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Article 10 Each underground mine must have at least two walkable safety outlets and the direct horizontal distance between such outlets must comply with the safety rules and technological standards for mining industry.

Article 10 Bonded goods mentioned in Article 4 of these Regulations, while transferred for home usage, shall be approved by the former verifying department and with the Customs permission, and those subject to the import license control shall be provided 第十条企业进口本办法第四条的保税货物如转为内销,应经原审批部门批准和海关许可,并照章缴纳进口税款;其中属于国家实行进口许可证管理的商品,还应向海关交验进口许可证。
Article 10 Branches and functioning departments of an enterprise as a legal person may not act as a surety. 第十条企业法人的分支机构、职能部门不得为保证人。
Article 10 Chinese citizens residing abroad who desire to return to China for permanent residence shall complete the relevant procedures at the Chinese diplomatic missions, consular offices or other agencies located abroad that are authorized by the Minis 第十条定居国外的中国公民要求回国定居的,应当向中国驻外国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关办理手续,也可以向有关省、自治区、直辖市的公安机关办理手续。
Article 10 Chunghwa Post shall establish an internal control and audit system for its postal savings and remittances businesses; the measures governing this system shall be drawn up by the MOTC and the MOF. 第10条中华邮政公司办理邮政储金汇兑业务,应建立内部控制及稽核制度;其办法,由交通部会同财政部定之。
Article 10 Departments in charge of highways may levy tools on vehicles that use motorways, first and second-grade highways, and large highway bridges, tunnels and ferry piers, which are built with loans or funds raised by the departments, in order to rep 第十条公路主管部门对利用集资、贷款修建的高速公路、一级公路、二级公路和大型的公路桥梁、隧道、轮渡码头,可以向过往车辆收取通行费,用于偿还集资和贷款。
Article 10 Each underground mine must have at least two walkable safety outlets and the direct horizontal distance between such outlets must comply with the safety rules and technological standards for mining industry. 第十条每个矿井必须有两个以上能行人的安全出口,出口之间的直线水平距离必须符合矿山安全规程和行业技术规范。
Article 10 If a taxpayer is involved in a dissolution, bankruptcy, cancellation or other such circumstances, thus terminating its tax payment obligations pursuant to the law, the taxpayer shall, before canceling its registration with the administrative au 按照规定不需要在工商行政管理机关办理注册登记的,应当自有关机关批准或者宣告终止之日起十五日内,持有关证件向原税务登记机关申报办理注销税务登记。
Article 10 Import or export licence shall be exempted in the following cases: the importation into the bonded area of machinery, equipment, goods and materials for capital construction, motor vehicles for production, means of transport, and articles for o 第十条从境外进口运入保税区的供保税区内使用的机器、设备、基建物资、生产用车辆、交通工具和办公用品,为加工出口产品进口的原材料、零部件、元器件、燃料、包装物料,供储存的转口货物,以及在保税区加工运输出境的产品免领进出口许可证。
Article 10 In a case falling within a hot spring area assistance program, where building or construction or other such action is carried out without permission while the city/county (metropolitan) government with due jurisdiction is handling assistance pr 温泉区列入辅导方案之案件于该管直辖市、县(市)政府受理辅导作业期间,未经许可仍进行建筑或工程等行为,致违反土地使用、建筑、消防、环境保护、水土保持等相关法令者,由该管直辖市、县(市)政府依法处理。
Article 10 In case a person from Hong Kong or Macaw engages in the private business in the Mainland, he shall, upon the strength of household business license, his health certificate and effective travel permit, apply to the local administrative departmen 第十条香港、澳门人员在内地从事个体工商经营的,由本人持个体经营执照、健康证明和个人有效旅行证件向所在地的地(市)级劳动保障行政部门申请办理就业证。
Article 10 In case of applying pursuant to paragraph 1, Article 9 of the present Act for correcting any formal name, an application form shall be filled out, attached with relevant transcripts of domiciliary register and the diplomas, work certificates, l 第10条依本条例第九条第一项规定申请更正本名者,应填具申请书,检附有关户籍誊本及本条例施行前之学历、资历、执照、其他证件或其他足资证明文件,向户籍地户政事务所申请更正。

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