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A presentation is given of the identification and implementation of the extension and renovation plan for the low-pressure methanol unit based on gas from coal.

A preprocessing token is the minimal lexical element of the language in translation phases 3 through 6. 预处理标记是语言从第3到第6阶段中最小的词法元素。
A present I want to give the person I love: A piggyback ride on near the river. 想给心爱的人什麽礼物:在河边,让她骑在我肩上(背在背上)。
A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love! 希望从心爱的人那里得到的礼物:爱,很多的爱!
A present was sent to him in return for his help. 我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。
A presentation consisting of one or more sets of transport documents evidencing shipment on more than one means of conveyance within the same mode of transport will be regarded as covering a partial shipment, even if the means of conveyance leave on the s 含有一套或数套运输单据的交单,如果表明在同一种运输方式下经由数件运输工具运输,即使运输工具在同一天出发运往同一目的地,仍将被视为部分发运。
A presentation is given of the identification and implementation of the extension and renovation plan for the low-pressure methanol unit based on gas from coal. 摘要介绍了煤制气低压单醇装置扩改技术方案的确定、实施项目。
A presentation is given of the renovation plan and process flow for the hydraulic injection vacuum supply unit, which is used to replace the former steam injector. 摘要介绍了采用水力喷射抽真空装置代替原蒸汽喷射装置的改造方案及流程。
A presentation is given of the working principle and structural properties of 3 kinds of hag filters used in the urea packing system, their operation and relevant improvement measures are summed up, and an analysis is made of the existent problems, with c 摘要介绍了尿素包装系统中所使用的3种袋式除尘器的工作原理、结构性能,总结了其运行情况和相关的改进措施,并就存在的问题加以分析、提出对策。
A presentation of the fundamentals of modern numerical techniques for a wide range of linear and nonlinear elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations and integral equations central to a wide variety of applications in science, engin 本课程讲授求解不同线性及非线性椭圆、抛物线及双曲线偏微分方程式与积分方程式等之现代数值技巧基础,并强调在许多科学、工程及相关领域上的应用。
A presentation of the substance of a body of material in a condensed form or by reducing it to its main points; an abstract. 概要用简明的形式,并通过减少或保留其要点来对资料内容进行的描述;摘要
A presentiment of the future; a foreboding. 对未来的不祥预感;预兆

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