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000 fibulae of Chinese adults were observed and measured.
观测,000例中国成人腓骨。 腓骨头关节面的倾斜度与周长之间存在着正的共变关系。

0 cases of them, the HRP-AChE double-labeled and HRP sing-labeled neurons in these gments of the spinal cord were traced with Mesulam's histochemical techrique. 对照组只动物分别单纯显示脊髓内AChE阳性神经元及被HRP标记的脊髓小脑束神经元。
0 ml of thecrude extract of pimenta officinalis had no strong attraction effecton while an addition of cruciancarp, but it had a notable attraction effect on common carp (p< 0. 0 ). 当加入0ml%的香果提取液对鲫鱼引诱效果不显著,但对鲤鱼却有极强的引诱作用(p<0.0);
0 topical phases were observed including cleavage,blastula,gastrula,neurula,myomere,caudal bud,embryo movement stage; pre-hatching stage and hatching stage. The embryonic development of P.dabryanus spended h 0 min. 果表明从受精卵到出膜共划分为个阶段和卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、神经胚期、肌节期、尾芽期、胚动期、出膜前期、孵出期、眼黑色素期等0个连续的典型时期,在 ℃时胚胎发育历时共 h 0 min.
0. 70%, 8. % and . % in blue clayed paddy, respectively 8. %, . 9% in paddy field on quaternary red clay(no determination the microbiai biomass phosphorus), respectively. 在青紫泥田中分别平均降低了0.70%、8. %和 .%; 在黄筋泥田中分别平均降低了8.%、.9%(因其酸度较低,微生物生物量磷的测定方法与前两种土壤的不同,所以未测定其中的微生物生物量磷的含量)。
0.7%、 .7% and .9% of the foci were located in femora、fibulae and feet bone respectively. 浓聚灶分布于股骨、胫骨和足部骨分别占 0 7%、 7%和 9%。
000 fibulae of Chinese adults were observed and measured. 观测,000例中国成人腓骨。 腓骨头关节面的倾斜度与周长之间存在着正的共变关系。
00kg fruits of longwangmao can produce .kg almods and .0kg to .77kg shelled almonds. 实出核率.%,出仁率 .0%~ .77%。
00×0~ m~ /d Natural Gas Conditioning Unit of Shixi oil field is imported from Canada Maloney Company. 石西油田引进的是加拿大马龙尼公司的00×0m /d天然气处理装置。
0 items were measured each in cases of patients with endemic cretin and of the control normal people with the same sex, race etc. 本文用人类学的方法对例地克病病人做了0 项指标的测定,同时选择了同性别、同民族、同出生年月、居住及生活条件相似的例健康人做对照组。
0<mm(9 8%)closed spontaneously 0 months later,8>mm(7 %)complicated with infectious endocarditis(vegetation),obliged to restore. 其中0例(9.8%)RSD<mm,在 ~ 0个月内RS自然愈合,8例(7.%)RSD>mm者因RS太大合并感染性心内膜炎(赘生物)等不能自行愈合,需要再次手术修补。
0screws via occipital diploic bone were inserted correctly,without penetration of inner table and sinuses. 临床例0枚经枕骨板障间固定螺钉均准确置入枕骨内外骨板之间的板障内。

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