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A base, ungenerous wretch who under the mask of friendship has undone me.

A base and nameless brood, they were driven out of the land. 8这都是愚顽下贱人的儿女,他们被鞭打,赶出境外。
A base camp for the mountain climbers. 给登山者用的扎营基地
A base class is one from which other, more specialized classes can be derived. 基类,就是其他更多专有类的起源。
A base metal. 一块不纯的金属
A base price of US$286/(short) ton was agreed, which is a US$10/ton increase over 2006's US$276/ton. 基础价格286美圆/吨获得批准,该价格每吨增加了10美圆与2006年的276美圆/吨相比。
A base, ungenerous wretch who under the mask of friendship has undone me. 有个心胸狭窄、行为卑鄙的人在友谊的幌子下把我毁了。
A baseball star's plane flew into the side of a 52-storey block of flats in Manhattan's affluent upper east-side yesterday, killing him and at least one other person, rattling public nerves exactly a month after the anniversary of the September 11 attacks 昨日,一位棒球明星的飞机撞上曼哈顿高档地区的一撞52层楼高的公寓,造成本人及至少一人死亡,此事正好发生在911事件周年纪念的一个月以后,再次绷紧了人们的神经。
A basic concept in Erlang/OTP is the supervision tree. This is a process structuring model based on the idea of workers and supervisors. OTP中的一个基本概念就是管理树.这是一个以工作者和管理者思想为基础的进程结构模型.
A basic definition of animation is the illusion of motion, or change, created by changing an image over time. 动画的一个基本定义是通过在一定时间内改变或移动图像而产生的幻觉。
A basic economic hypothesis is that the lower the price of a commodity, the larger the quantity that will be demanded, other things being equal. 一个最基本的假说是一种商品的价格越低,其需求量越大,若其他因素不变。
A basic method for controlling the investment in construction of quay works at the stage of design is expounded from the viewpoint of call for tender for designs, competitive selection of proposals, design with limited amount, supervision of designing and 摘要文章从设计招标及方案竞选、限额设计、设计监理以及价值工程的角度,阐述了设计阶段控制码头工程投资的基本方法。

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