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Black middle boot,20yuan each, this product can open 6% value-added tax invoice or commercial invoice, quantity is with preferential treatment.

Black is restrained, depressive and hard to ponder.Many people wear biack clothes to hide the wound. 黑色是收敛的,沉郁的,难以琢磨的。很多有伤口的人,只穿黑色的衣服。因为这样不容易让别人看到疼痛。
Black is the opposite of white. 黑色的相反是白色。
Black likes to keep that kind of clock on his oak-desk. 布莱克喜欢在他的橡木写字台上放那种钟。
Black lips tightened, exposing double sets of two-inch fangs. 淡黄色的眼睛眯起来了,黑色的嘴唇绷紧了,露出两排两寸长的犬牙。
Black man:(really scared)Oh damn! 黑人男子:(非常恐惧)噢,见鬼!
Black middle boot,20yuan each, this product can open 6% value-added tax invoice or commercial invoice, quantity is with preferential treatment. 黑色中统靴,20元每双,本产品可开6%的增值税发票或普通发票,量大从优。
Black ministers were well-liked and trusted. 黑人牧师非常受人爱戴和信任。
Black mixed white is very cool! 纯黑色加上一点点白色感觉特别有个性!!
Black oil was oozing out of the engine. 发动机渗出了黑油。
Black pepper may be added and the Kalmyks sometimes add bay leaf or nutmeg. 翠绿的抹茶奉上,抿一口,有点苦涩,唇齿留香。
Black pepper with salmonella from India.Crabmeat from mexico that is too filthy to eat.Candy from Denmark that is mislabeled. 印度的黑胡椒含沙门氏菌;墨西哥的蟹肉太不干净,不能食用;丹麦的糖果贴错标签。

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