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Modern human resources management practice has a duel heritage coming out of scientific management and the notion of personnel work as improving the welfare of employees.

Modern geocentrism - God recently created a spherical world, and placed it in the center of the universe. 现代地心说-上帝最近创造了一球形世界,而将其置于宇宙的中心。
Modern girls seldom confide in their mothers. 现代的女孩子很少向母亲吐露心事。
Modern girls would like to wear out of the ordinary. 时髦的女孩喜欢穿与众不同的服装。
Modern government is the establisher and executor of management standards. 现代政府是标准的制订者和执行者,标准则是政府公共管理的重要手段。
Modern governments, unlike medieval ones, tax the healthy to help look after the ailing, so the burden will fall on everyone. 现代政府,不像中世纪的了,通过对健康人的税收来帮助那些病人,把所有负担分摊在每个人身上。
Modern human resources management practice has a duel heritage coming out of scientific management and the notion of personnel work as improving the welfare of employees. 现代人力资源管理的运用同时传承了科学管理和着眼于改进员工福利的人事工作理念这两种管理方法。
Modern ideal revolution firstly decided the limitation of cognitive ability of government, which proved the limitation of governmental power and governmental functions; Meanwhile, modern politics and law practice decided that government in essence should 近现代以来的观念变革首先从认识论上设定了政府认知能力的有限性,从而证成了政府职能与政府权力的有限性;同时,近现代以来的政治与法律实践决定了政府在本质上必须是民主政府与法治政府,前者从政治的角度决定了政府行为能力的有限性,后者从法律的角度决定了政府行动领域的有限性。
Modern industrial and agricultural production must rely on it. 现代的工农业生产要靠电。
Modern industrial development has almost destroyed the natural environment in some way, which the humans must rely on. 在某种程度上,现代工业的发展几乎已经摧毁了人类赖以生存的自然环境。
Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, in order that an individual or a group of individuals may earn as much money as possible. 现代工业的基本概念是:以最低成本获取最多产品,为的是让某个个人或某一部分人尽可能多地赚钱。
Modern information should be instructive. Modern information should have cultural value. Modern information should be truthful. Modern information should communicate. 现代信息,要能具备教育的功能;现代信息,要能富含文化的价值;现代信息,要能表达事实的真象;现代信息,要能促进人类的交流。

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