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Because of the obvious complementarity of axiomatic design (AD) and design structure matrix (DSM), it is considered that axiomatic design matrix (DM) and DSM can co-evolve step-by-step during the product design process, which can lead to an ideal integrat

Because of the mountain of Zion, which is desolate, the foxes walk upon it. 18锡安山荒凉,野狗(或作狐狸)行在其上。
Because of the muscle spasm, the leg movements are not in normal patterns when walking, and therefore easily loosing balance. 肌肉痉挛使患者走路时下肢的运动功能模式异常,以致无法正常行走,容易失去平衡。
Because of the negotiable prices, large varieties of goods, and export-oriented sizes and designs, this street has become a shopping Mecca for foreign visitors in Beijing. 由于可以价格可以协商,品种的选择余地较大,尺寸和样式也比较适合欧美顾客,因此成为外国游客在京的购物宝地。
Because of the nitrogen fixation of legumes, even though legume forages absobed more nitrogen than grass forages, the soil nitrogen and organic matter used by legume forages were less than grass forages. 豆科牧草耗氮量虽然比禾本科牧草多,但由于豆科牧草具有固氮作用,因而对土壤全氮和有机质的消耗量却比禾本科牧草低。
Because of the number of targets available, diminishing returns will reset before anyone goes immune to the CC. 合理的控制对方目标人物的数量,收益递减效应将在其免疫所有控制技能前得到重置。
Because of the obvious complementarity of axiomatic design (AD) and design structure matrix (DSM), it is considered that axiomatic design matrix (DM) and DSM can co-evolve step-by-step during the product design process, which can lead to an ideal integrat 摘要基于公理化设计与设计结构矩阵具有互补性这一特点,提出了公理化设计矩阵与设计结构矩阵同步演化的设计思想。
Because of the occupational requirement, flight attendants are frequently exposed to low-oxygen-partial-pressure cabin environment. 摘要由于工作的需要,空服员必须经常暴露在氧气分压偏低的机舱环境中。
Because of the outstanding advantages, the epoxy resin is widely used in various fields, especially in the fields such as electronics, covering materials and synthetic materials etc. 由于环氧树脂固化物所具备的优良性能,使得环氧树脂被广泛地应用于各行各业。特别是电子、电气封装材料、复合材料等领域。
Because of the overburden of our commitments, we are unable to ship your order within the agreed period. 由于我方订货负担过重,无法在协议期限内交货。
Because of the particular role of women in migration to develop and assist to poor household, the paper give a statistical description to the interrelation between the quality of women and migration to develop, data are obtained from questionnaire surveys 摘要鉴于妇女在扶贫开发中的特殊性,本文拟以2004年甘肃省河西玉门移民点的调查为依据,对农村妇女自身素质与开发移民之间的关系进行统计描述。
Because of the particularity of acoustic area transition and mixed sound, the problem of tenor is always difficult to solve. 摘要因声区转换及混声的特殊性,男声的高音演唱问题一直是比较难解决的。

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