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In photography, removing fixer and unexposed silver salts from photographic film and papers.

In petroleum reservoirs, however, the rocks are usually saturated with two or more fluids, such as interstitial water, oil, and gas. 然而在储油层中,岩石通常被两种或更多的流体饱和,如间隙水、油和棋。
In philosophy and liberal arts, this is shown as man being in harmonious relation with all others in nature instead of having absolute power to rule. 在哲学文艺方面的表现都反映出人在自然界中与万物占着一个比例较为恰当的地位,而非绝对统治万物的主宰。
In photographing these details, pay careful attention to issues of focus and framing. 要拍摄这些细部,要仔细留意焦距及构图。
In photographs we are all too familiar with the red eye effect we sometimes get. 在照片中,我们对有时会患的红眼症太过熟悉。
In photography, a fixing bath containing NH (univalent ion of ammonia), which is used for removing silver halides from photosensitive emulsions. 中义在摄影中,一种含铵的定影液,用来将感光乳剂中的银粒子去掉。
In photography, removing fixer and unexposed silver salts from photographic film and papers. 中义在摄影术中,将定影液和未曝光银盐从摄影底片和相纸中移走。
In photography, small bubbles of air that adhere to photographic surfaces during development, leading to visible defects on the processed film. 中义在摄影的显影过程中,小气泡黏附在底片或相纸上而产生肉眼可见的缺陷。
In photography, the light sensitivity of film emulsion. 在摄影技术中,胶片感光乳剂的光敏度。
In photomechanical reproduction, a line screen breaks the wide tonal range found in the original into discrete intervals from 1% to 99%), creating a halftone dot pattern. 中义在制版照相的复制过程中,用线状的平网将原稿的浓度範围分解为1%到99%的不连续区段,并产生半色调的网点花纹。半色调的网点值是以百分比(%)来描述。
In photosynthesis ferredoxin is involved in electron transfer between photosystem I and the final electron acceptor, NADP. 在光合作用中,铁硫蛋白与光合系统Ⅰ和最终电子受体NADP间的电子传递有关。
In phototypesetting, a line ending with no vertical advancement, similar to a carriage return with no line feed on word processing equipment. 中义在照像打字中,一行结束但在垂直量部份不增加,就像文字处理设备在换行后却不增加新的一行一样。

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