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Use rechargeable batteries, and don't throw away used batteries as you do with other wastes.

Use present tense. The events you're writing about took place in the past, but the act of reading and talking about them takes place in the present. 书写内容时,使用现在式。你所谈及的是过去发生的事件,但是阅读、讨论是现在正在进行的行为。
Use promo code “ BEMIKEORG ” to save up to 80% of payment when you purchase Dreamhost hosting plans. See the table above for more details. 可以看到,如果你使用我的折扣码的,最合算的计划是买一年的服务,这样你需要掏119.4-95=24.4美刀就能享受一年的使用乐趣了!如果你有更多的问题,可以在下面留言或联系我。
Use proper gestures, nodding to show agreement and understanding. 适当用手势,点头来表示你同意其观点和明白他/她的意思。
Use précis PLC, auto-zero, calibration, purging and temperature control. 系统控制采用精密PLC,自动进行校零、校标、吹扫和温度控制。
Use puppet sack, of historical romance play the south of Fujian Province one big folk art, Reach 20 more than countries and regions perform , praised asworld the first class artsuccessively. 用木偶演义的木偶布袋戏是闽南一大民间艺术,先后到了20多个国家和地区演出,被誉为“世界第一流的艺术”。
Use rechargeable batteries, and don't throw away used batteries as you do with other wastes. 请使用充电电池,不要像丢弃其他垃圾一样丢弃电池。
Use richly hued lipsticks, brow pencils, foundation and powder for an all out, glamorous look. 用色彩浓重的口红、眉笔、粉底和散粉来打造迷人至极的妆容吧。
Use room temperature water for misting and watering, and make sure the foliage dries before night. 喷洒和浇水时,用室温水,并要保证叶面在夜晚来临前变干。
Use rotation handwheel and trebincs bar transmission to adjust the feeding point , Easy , reliable and convenient operation . 利用传动手轮、蜗轮蜗杆传动调节,下料点的设定、简单、可靠、方便操作。
Use scope: wooden road, alcove, grape frame, guardrail etc. all indoors or outdoors wooden production. 使用范围:木质栈道,凉亭,葡萄架,护栏等一切室内外木制品。
Use self-discipline as your guide when the market goes against your position. Take your loss and wait for another opportunity. 当市场走势与你所持有的部位相反时,运用自制力认赔出场,等待下一个进场时机。

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