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Amblyopia Therapy of Postopeartion in Patients with Ectopia lentis

Although there are a few exceptions of synteny, further studies on comparative genomics will elucidate the structure and evolution of the maize genome and the accompanying results will be applied in gene discovery. 尽管还存在一些共线性的例外情形 ,进一步的比较基因组学研究将深入阐明玉米基因组的结构和进化 ,并把这些研究成果应用于基因发掘中。
Although with many nutritious factors in milk, harm to health exists from lactin, casein, vitamin and antibody. 牛奶虽然含有大量营养素,但也有它的不足之处,比如说乳糖、酪蛋白、脂肪球、维生素、抗体等也存在对健康不利的一面。
Alumina and ZTA was prepared and studied in this experiment. The thrash toughness of the laminated composites was as . times as that of simple alumina ceramics, and as . 8 times as that of ZTA ceramics. 本实验以氧化铝和ZTA为研究对象,制备出ZTA/AlO 强夹层层状复合陶瓷,复合陶瓷的冲击韧性是单相AlO 陶瓷的.倍,单相ZTA陶瓷的.8倍;
Aluminum speciation analysis of stewed meat 炖肉中铝的存在形态分析
Amanita eijii-a New Name for Amanita cokeri f.roseotincta Amanita eijii——Amanita cokerif.rose otincta的新名称(英文)
Amblyopia Therapy of Postopeartion in Patients with Ectopia lentis 遗传性晶体脱位术后弱视治疗
Amebic Liver Abscess:Clinical Types and Their Significance in Diagnosis (with Analysis of 0 Cases) 阿米巴肝脓肿的临床类型及其在诊断上的意义(附0例分析)
Amenity City and Evaluation on Beijing City 宜居城市与北京城市居住适宜性评价
Amentia screen ratio is .8 % of 87 children; 87名儿童的智力缺陷检出率为 .8 %;
American Citizen Suit:Pushing from the Bottom An Interview Report with Mr.Dan Guttman,a fellow of Johns Hopkins University Washington Center for Study of American Government 美国环境公民诉讼:自下而上推动 访美国约翰霍普金斯大学华盛顿美国政府研究中心研究员古德丹(Mr.Dan Guttman)
American Drug Stores 美国ADS连锁药店简介

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