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Very carefully with a gentle lifting motion, open the blister with a sterile needle to drain any trapped fluid.

Very beautiful printed fabric, nice shape! 细致的印花布,非常挺!!
Very briny water, they say, could exist as a liquid at the low temperatures and pressures on Mars's surface and flow down slopes, leaving streaks with telltale features in its wake. 他们表示,盐份极高的水在火星地表的低温和压力下仍可以液态方式存在,并沿坡面流下,制造出耐人寻味的痕迹。
Very broadly speaking, the turf of high-level legal theory is disputed by at least four groups. 宽泛地讲,围绕高层次法律理论的地盘发生论争的至少有四个群体。
Very calming and soothing to the skin, it is moisturizing, anti-bacterial and regulates sebum level to avoid acnes. Suitable for sensitive skin and acne-prone skin. Origin: England. Suggested usage: 5%-10%. 保湿、舒缓、安抚肌肤、降低敏感现象;杀菌、疏通及收敛毛孔,调节皮脂分泌,预防粉刺生成。产地:英国。建议使用量:5%-10%。
Very calmly He sits in control. 记住神在镇定地掌管一切!
Very carefully with a gentle lifting motion, open the blister with a sterile needle to drain any trapped fluid. 小心提高乳头的位置,用消过毒的针把小泡刺破,把里面的液体放掉。
Very center of Shanghai City. 上海城市中心、市政府所在地。
Very civilized here, and this is how the most basic. 这里很文明,这是做人最基本的。
Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. 亲密而互相信任的朋友,他们彼此赤诚相待。
Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided, and their confidences will be honored. 亲密而互相信任的朋友之间彼此赤诚相见,他们不会被戏弄和嘲笑,因而心理踏实无虑,他们之间这种信任会受到尊重。
Very close to the wake for the dead, locals are homeless after the explosive fighting destroyed their livelihood. 在这场爆力事件已经摧毁了他们的居所后,,当地人变得无家可归,非常接近死的边缘.

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