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Fought barehanded; barehanded boxing.

Fot that monent,we look it as a beautiful expect.Maybe at one day,it happen to you,the only worried instance is that we can not catch it tightly. 那就姑且把他当作美好的愿望吧,说不定哪一天就幸运的降临在你身上。就怕你没有足够的能力去抓住她。
Fou r drawings forming technology and die design characteristics of large diameter c ylinder of thick plate have been introduced with example of some large vacuum br ake cylinder. 以某大型真空制动缸缸体为例,介绍了厚板大直径圆筒四次拉延成形工艺及模具设计特点。
Foucault Shit was socially constructed in the 17th century. 傅柯:大便是在十七世纪时被社会所建构出的。
Foucault, Michel, 1972, The Archaeology of Knowledge, Pantheon, NY. 傅柯,米歇尔,1998,《知识考古学》,谢强,马月译,三联,北京。
Fought at the Department of Mysteries battle and was seriously injured. 在神秘司之战中严重受伤。
Fought barehanded; barehanded boxing. 赤手空拳地搏斗;不带手套地拳击
Foul daemon!!!! 肮脏的恶魔!!!!
Foul smelling chemicals are often used to irritate the bees and drive them down into the hive's bottom boxes, leaving the honeyfilled supers more or less bee free. 臭味的化学制剂经常去刺激蜜蜂并且驱赶它们到蜂箱的底部,使充满蜜的盒子留下较少的蜜蜂。
Fouled twice and then struck out; fouled out to the catcher. 两击出界后三振出局;被捕手接住界外球而出局
Fouling intentionally is not one of the most beautiful parts of our game. 故意犯规并不是比赛中最美妙的一部分。
Fouls and rains in Florida forced NASA to land the shuttle at a backup landing site. 由于多云和下雨的缘故,NASA(国家航空和宇宙航行局)不得不将亚特兰蒂斯号降落在一个后备的站点。

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