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Topics include statistical inference, regression, generalized least squares, instrumental variables, simultaneous equations models, and the evaluation of government policies and programs.

Topics include oral epic performance, sacred narrative, Koranic chant performance, the folktale, solo performance, cultural production and resistance. 主题包括口传史诗展演、宗教叙事、可兰经吟颂展演、民间传说、个人展演、文化之生产与反抗。
Topics include perception of color, motion, form, and depth. 题目涵盖色彩、运动、形状以及深度的知觉。
Topics include planar and spatial kinematics, and motion planning; mechanism design for manipulators and mobile robots, multi-rigid-body dynamics, 3D graphic simulation; control design, actuators, and sensors; wireless networking, task modeling, human-mac 主题包含平面及空间运动学、动作规划;机械手臂及移动式机器人的机构设计、多刚体动力学、3D绘图模拟;控制系统设计、致动器、感测器:无线网络连结、工作模型、人机介面及崁入式系统。
Topics include portfolio theory, capital markets, equities, fixed-income securities, derivative assets, and portfolio management. 探讨主题包括投资组合理论、资本市场、股票、固定收益证券、衍生性资产及有价证券管理等。
Topics include social, economic, health, and human rights rationale for family planning; identifying and measuring populations in need of family planning services; social, cultural, political, and ethical barriers; contraceptive methods and their programm 题目包括家庭计划的社会,经济,卫生和人权的基本原理;锁定和量化需要家庭计划服务的人口群;社会,文化,政治和道德的障碍;避孕方法和计划上的需要;不同的策略方案,包括综合和垂直计划,公办和私办服务;资讯,教育和沟通策略;管理信息系统;以及应用计算机模式来设计项目。
Topics include statistical inference, regression, generalized least squares, instrumental variables, simultaneous equations models, and the evaluation of government policies and programs. 主题包含了统计的推论、回归、一般化最小平方、工具变数、联立方程模式、以及政府政策与计划的评估。
Topics include the interaction of emotion with cognition and perception, the role of emotion in human-computer interaction, the communication of human emotion via face, voice, physiology, and behavior, construction of computers that can recognize and resp 探讨的主题包括情绪的认知与觉察间之交互作用、情绪在人类与计算机互动中扮演的角色、人类透过脸、声音、生理机能和行为所传达的情绪、制造可以认出并适当回应人类情绪表达的计算机、关于?有?情绪的计算机的发展、以及其他当代研究投注兴趣的领域。
Topics include the principles of conservation of mass, momentum and energy; hydrostatic behavior of floating and submerged bodies; lift and drag forces; dimensional anaylsis; wave forces on ships and offshore platforms; laminar and turbulent flows. 主题涵盖质量守恒、动量守恒及能量守恒等原理、浮体及沈体之流体静力行为、升力、拖曳力、因次分析、船舶及离岸平台上作用的波力、层流及紊流。
Topics include the relationship between religion and politics, rights, federalism, national identity, republicanism versus liberalism, the relationship of subordinated groups to mainstream political discourse, and the role of ideas in politics. 这们课将以下几个课题当作主要的主题:宗教与政治的关系、权力、联邦主义、国家认同、共和主义与自由主义、美国次级团体对于的主流政治的关系、以及根据以上这些想法的讨论,思考他们对美国政治发展的角色。
Topics include working capital management and financial statement analysis. 主题包括营运资金的管理及财务报表分析。
Topics include working capital management financial statement analysis. 主题包括营运资金的管理及财务报表分析。

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