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Most recently, by a two-to-one margin, voters in the northwestern state of Washington approved a measure that forbids lighting up in workplaces and public gathering spots like taverns and post-office lobbies.

Most reading these materials understand the grief of the current paradigm along with the loneliness and suffering bestowed upon one another in the lack of understanding of the truth that spirit and the nonphysical direct reality and not the physical.? 大部分阅读这些资料的读者理解当前范式的痛苦,伴随着不了解精神与非物质正在指导物理层与非物理实相的这一真相中,带来彼此身上的孤独与折磨。
Most recent in the catalogue of pain are the two shoot out defeats to Portugal, in Euro 2004 and World Cup 2006. 最近的痛苦都是在和葡萄牙对决中的两次射门,一次是2004年欧洲杯一次是2006年世界杯。
Most recent several days, I saw a shocking news from the news broadcast: Taiwan authority leader Chen Shuibian has published one side a countryin a conference the fallacy, and declared must use the referendumway decision Taiwan's future, destiny and prese 前几天,我从新闻联播上看到了一则令人震惊的消息:台湾当局领导人陈水扁在一次会议上发表了“一边一国”的谬论,并宣称要用“公民投票”的方式决定“台湾的前途、命运和现状”。
Most recently NPR was the recipient of a Creative Work Fund Grant which will be used for a collaborative series of projects collectively titled Radio Cartography. 最最近NPR是将被用于一起题为无线电的工程的一个合作系列的有创造性的工作资金资助的接受者制图学。
Most recently she served as assistant director-general for communicable diseases. 最近,她担任了传染病部门助理总干事。
Most recently, by a two-to-one margin, voters in the northwestern state of Washington approved a measure that forbids lighting up in workplaces and public gathering spots like taverns and post-office lobbies. 最近,位处美国西北角的华盛顿州,以二比一之差距通过一个禁菸措施,规定不可在工作地点,或是像酒馆及邮局大厅的公共集会场所抽菸。
Most recently, during an aerial survey made from Aug. 3 toAug.11, Mike Fay, a Wildlife Conservation Society conservationistandNational Geographic Explorer-in-Residence found fiveelephantmassacre sites. 最近,在8月3日至11日期间进行的一项空中勘测中,国际野生生物保护学会的成员、同时也是美国国家地理协会驻当地专家的迈克·费伊发现了5处大象屠杀点。
Most recently, he has examined the fundamental limits of information and computing, which has led to his current research in nano-electronics and -photonics. 近期他研究了信息与计算的基本极限,将他的研究领域扩展到了纳米电子学和纳米光学。
Most recently, the use of monoclonal antibodies has been noted to block the adhesion of the sickling cells to the surrounding endothelium (4). 最近,通过使用单克隆抗体发现,可阻止镰状细胞在内皮周围的聚集[4]。
Most references settle to 0.1% in less than 10 μs. 多数器件能在少于的时间里稳定在0.1%以内。
Most refractive procedures change the eye's focusing power by reshaping the cornea (for example, by removing tissue). 大多数的屈光手术通过角膜的变形改变眼的聚焦功效(例如,通过切除组织)。

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