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The influence of the area contraction ratio of rotary flow generator on the hydraulic characteristics of level rotary flow has been investigated by the hydraulic model test of an internal energy dissipation tunnel.

The influence of static electricity is an important question. The manifestatons and characteristics of computer breakdown under influence of static electricity are discussed, and the protection methods are given. 摘要静电对计算机的影响是一个值得注意的问题。只有了解了静电引起计算机故障的表现和引起故障的特点,才能有针对性地对其进行防护,使计算机更好地为人所用,减少因静电引起的计算机故障。
The influence of target glint on the miss of the homing guidance system is analyzed. 摘要分析了目标闪烁对寻的制导回路制导精度的影响。
The influence of technological factors on the quality of dissolved mold casting of aluminium alloy was discussed, the connection between the process parameters and the flaw in casting was analyzed. 摘要讨论了各工艺因素对消失模铝合金铸造质量的影响,分析了各工艺参数与铸造缺陷之间的关系。
The influence of the addition of coupling agent on the properties of the mixed membranes was studied, such as mechanics, moisture penetration and waterproofing. 探讨了偶联剂的加入对共混膜力学、透湿、防水等性能的影响。
The influence of the arcuate structure in Zoige area on the spatial distribution of the geochemical index concentration shows that geological structures obviously control the distribution of the near-surface geochemical fields. 若尔盖地区的弧形构造对化探指标浓度的空间分布的影响作用,表明地质构造对近地表地球化学场的分布有明显的控制作用。
The influence of the area contraction ratio of rotary flow generator on the hydraulic characteristics of level rotary flow has been investigated by the hydraulic model test of an internal energy dissipation tunnel. 摘要通过模型试验,研究了起旋器出口面积收缩率对水平旋流泄洪洞水力特性的影响。
The influence of the bonding layer thickness and material properties, piezoelectric layer thickness, placements and feed-back control parameters on the vibration suppression are investigated. 分析了粘弹层、压电层厚度和压电片位置等结构参数变化以及材料参数变化对控制效果及结构频率的影响。
The influence of the disturbing and anisotropy on dendrite growth has been investigated. 研究了噪声和各向异性等参数对晶粒形貌的影响。
The influence of the fresh interest in wisdom traditions in the wake of the Italian Renaissance movement also found its expression in Freemasonry, which became organised in lodges around 1600 in Scotland. 在意大利文艺复兴运动初期,共济会就是受到对智慧传统的新兴趣的影响,在1600年左右,它成立于苏格兰。
The influence of the type and amount of active strengthening agent, cement-blast ratio and cement dispersity have been studied to the property of fly ash blast cement. 研究了活性增强剂类型及掺量、灰渣比和水泥分散度对粉煤灰矿渣水泥性能的影响。
The influence of the wheat malt powder on noodles' quality was studied by adding different proportion wheat malt powder into the flour. 摘要通过向面粉中添加不同比例的小麦芽粉,研究小麦芽粉对面条品质的影响。

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