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As a teenager, Cox was Bruce Springsteen∝s dancing partner in Brian de Palma∝s video of Dancing in the Dark.

As a teacher she works diligently and efficiently. 当时一名教师她工作勤奋和有效地。
As a teacher, I need to be clear about whether my students are catching on. 作为老师,我需要很清楚我的学生能否跟得上进度。
As a teacher, he's a disaster . 他是个很糟糕的教师.
As a team, let's help one another. 作为一个团队,让我们互相帮助。
As a team, we try and have a package that is competitive at every circuit, but Istanbul is the first of a series of quick tracks and I think these will suit us particularly well. 作为车队,我们尝试着拥有在每一条赛道上都具有竞争力的装备,我认为接下来的以伊斯坦布尔赛道为首的一系列高速赛道都将非常适合我们。
As a teenager, Cox was Bruce Springsteen∝s dancing partner in Brian de Palma∝s video of Dancing in the Dark. 在还是少女的时候,考克斯曾经在布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀由布莱恩·德·帕尔玛执导的录像带《黑暗中舞蹈》中扮演过斯普林斯汀的舞伴。
As a teenager, Elias was a member of the Swedish national boxing team. 年少时,伊莱亚斯曾是瑞典国家拳击队的队员。
As a teenager, I found this embarrassing, but if Dad noticed, he didn't let on. 那时我十多岁,对这些感觉很难堪,但是如果爸爸发现了,他一点儿都不在意。
As a teenager, Li Huijuan first saw a judge as a character in a television soap opera. 孩提时代,李惠娟第一次看到法官是在一个电视剧里。
As a testament to the correlation between glorious spaces and heavenly thoughts, the Notre Dame de Paris has stood for 750 years as the apex of European religious architecture. 作为荣光之地与神圣思想互相关联的证明──巴黎圣母院,至今已有750年的历史了,它是欧洲宗教建筑登峰造极之作。
As a thin and weak individual, comparing with whole collectivity, I'm not important. 作为一个单薄的个体,与浑厚的集体相比,我不重要。

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