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Han Fei be first an expert with a comprehensive expression of Qin Legalist School, his legislation art thought enriches, show belonging to for legislative power mainly in falling apart mainly referring to Han Fei Zi, legislation opportunity judgement and

Hampian, Ken. Bridging the Gap Between City Hall and the Downtown.In Public Management, October 1994. 将市中心与商业区之间的距离缩短。〉,刊于《公众管理》1994年10月号。
Hampshire is in second place with 8% of the UK's richest people. 汉普郡排在第2位,该地区居住的有钱人占英国富人总数的8%。
Hamster in lab during a behavior test. (Image courtesy of Schneider Laboratory, MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. 在实验室里接受行为测试的仓鼠。(图像由施奈德实验室,麻省理工学院大脑与认知科学系所提供.
Hamstring Shot (77): Launches an attack that damages and slows the enemy. Must be used with a bow. 腿窝射击(77):发动攻击对敌人造成损伤和减慢敌人速度。必须装备弓。
Hamza says Hussein is serious about having an arsenal and is a couple of years away from having it. 没穆查说侯赛因计划建立兵工厂并且在几年内建成。
Han Fei be first an expert with a comprehensive expression of Qin Legalist School, his legislation art thought enriches, show belonging to for legislative power mainly in falling apart mainly referring to Han Fei Zi, legislation opportunity judgement and 摘要韩非是先秦法家的集大成者,他的立法艺术思想丰富,主要散见于《韩非子》中,主要表现在立法权的归属,立法时机的判断与选择,立法原则,法律规范的表达方式等方面,对当代中国立法也有非常重要的借鉴作用。
Han Jia, I know what Manas is. 韩佳,我知道《马纳斯》是什么了。
Han Jia, I think both of us have followed this adage. 大牛:韩佳,我觉得我们俩就是这么做的。
Han Jia, are we going to Dongying now? 王渊源:韩佳,我们现在是要去东营市吗?
Han Jia, how did you recognize me? 韩佳你怎么认出来我呀。
Han Jia, is this the mountaintop square? 韩佳,这里就是山顶广场吧?

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