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Personal Financing is a new individualized and comprehensive product by our bank for financial money management guaranteed by scientifically advanced, highly efficient and safe electronic system as well as saving offices, talents, information, funds and s

Person-organization fit is a hot problem in the study on human resources management and organizational behavior. 摘要人与组织匹配是人力资源管理与组织行为学研究的热点问题。
Persona swimming does so at own their risk. 管理处对在泳池内发生的意外伤亡事故不予以承担责任。
Personage and professional personnel of high management layer, the art fields in the business enterprise. 企业中高管理层、艺术界人士及专业人员。
Personal Communications Services (PCS) - Two-way, voice and digital, wireless telecommunications system. 个人通讯服务-是一种双向、音频和数字无线通讯系统。
Personal Financing is a new individualized and comprehe ive product by our bank for financial money management guaranteed by scientifically advanced, highly efficient and safe electronic system as well as saving offices, talents, information, funds and se 个人理财是指我行利用我们的网点技术、人才、信息、资金结算等方面优势,以个人客户为服务对象,为您提供全方位综合性的金融服务。
Personal Financing is a new individualized and comprehensive product by our bank for financial money management guaranteed by scientifically advanced, highly efficient and safe electronic system as well as saving offices, talents, information, funds and s 个人理财是指我行利用我们的网点技术、人才、信息、资金结算等方面优势,以个人客户为服务对象,为您提供全方位综合性的金融服务。
Personal Income Tax for Shareware Sales - How exactly to do it legally? How much do I really need to pay? May need Tax advice. 共享软件个人收入的缴税-怎样做在法律上才是正确的?我到底需要付多少税,可能需要一些交税方面的建议。
Personal Internet use topped the list as the leading time-wasting activity according to 34 percent of respondents, with 20.3 percent then listing socializing with co-workers and 17 percent conducting personal business as taking up time. 上网是第一大浪费上班时间的活动,有34%的受访者利用上班时间上网;20.3%的受访者在上班时与同事闲聊;17%的人处理私人事务。
Personal Pledge Loan is referred to one kind of RMB loan business in which the client takes the undue deposit certificate or voucher-like national debt to gain loans from the bank, and duly repay the principal and interest of loans. 个人质押贷款是借款人以储蓄存单、凭证式国债等权利凭证作质押,从银行获得贷款,到期归还贷款本息的一种人民币贷款业务。
Personal Trainer will be absorbed in your sport process and assist, put right on your movements. They will prevent the suddenness and make sure your safety. 在进行练习时,私人健身教练会专注您做运动的过程,而且会紧密观察、协助及纠正错误,更会及早防止可能的意外,确保您的安全。
Personal Zones may also effect one's physical health. 个人带也可以作用一个人的身体健康。

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