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Article 10 The people's governments at various levels shall redouble their efforts in afforestation, grass-planting, urban and rural greening, and take effective measures to do well the work of prevention and control of sand so as to improve the atmospher

Article 10 The financial institution within the territory of China and the underwriting institution shall determine the interest rate or price for the issuance of RMB bonds through negotiations. 第十条人民币债券发行利率或发行价格由境内金融机构和承销机构协商确定。
Article 10 The limited-liability company shall obtain the status of legal person according to law. 第十条有限责任公司依法取得法人资格。
Article 10 The local authority-in-charge shall report to the central authority-in-charge of the location, quality, quantity, temperature, geological information, volume extracted, and usage of the hot springs under its jurisdiction and create databases; t 第10条直辖市、县(市)主管机关应调查辖区内之现有温泉位置、泉质、泉量、泉温、地质概况、取用量、使用现况等,建立温泉资源基本资料库,并陈报中央主管机关;必要时,应由中央主管机关予以协助。
Article 10 The martial-law-executing organ shall set up a martial law command, which shall coordinate actions taken by the units concerned to fulfill martial law tasks and shall work out unified plans and measures for enforcing martial law. 第十条戒严实施机关建立戒严指挥机构,由戒严指挥机构协调执行戒严任务的有关方面的行动,统一部署和实施戒严措施。
Article 10 The net profit which a foreign party receives as his share after performing his obligations under the pertinent laws and agreements and contracts, the funds he receives at the time when the equity joint venture terminates or winds up its operat 第十条外国合营者在履行法律和协议、合同规定的义务后分得的净利润,在合营企业期满或者中止时所分得的资金以及其它资金,可按合营企业合同规定的货币,按外汇管理条例汇往国外。
Article 10 The people's governments at various levels shall redouble their efforts in afforestation, grass-planting, urban and rural greening, and take effective measures to do well the work of prevention and control of sand so as to improve the atmospher 第十条各级人民政府应当加强植树种草、城乡绿化工作,因地制宜地采取有效措施做好防沙治沙工作,改善大气环境质量。
Article 10 The power to interpret these Measures shall remain with the Ministry of Commerce. 第十条本办法由商务部负责解释。
Article 10 The registration of a realty shall be handled by the registration organ at the locality of the realty. 第十条不动产登记,由不动产所在地的登记机构办理。
Article 10 The relevant administrative departments having responsibility for economics and trade, environmental protection, planning, science and technology and agricultural in the State Council and the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous re 第十条国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的经济贸易、环境保护、计划、科学技术、农业等有关行政主管部门,应当组织和支持建立清洁生产信息系统和技术咨询服务体系,向社会提供有关清洁生产方法和技术、可再生利用的废物供求以及清洁生产政策等方面的信息和服务。
Article 10 The relevant departments of the State Council shall, according to the requirements of guaranteeing production safety, formulate relevant national standards or industrial standards according to law and in good time, and shall make revisions acco 第十条国务院有关部门应当按照保障安全生产的要求,依法及时制定有关的国家标准或者行业标准,并根据科技进步和经济发展适时修订。
Article 10 The rights to a civil aircraft as referred to in this Chapter include the rights to the airframe, engines, propellers, radio apparatus of the civil aircraft and all other articles intended for use in such civil aircraft, no matter whether they 第十条本章规定的对民用航空器的权利,包括对民用航空器构架、发动机、螺旋桨、无线电设备和其他一切为了在民用航空器上使用的,无论安装于其上或者暂时拆离的物品的权利。

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