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Hurricanes are storms with extremely high wind speeds.

Hurricane warnings for Haiti, Dominica Republic and Jamaica, as Hurricane Dean bears down on the Caribbean islands. 飓风迪安袭击了加勒比海岛屿,海地;多米尼加共和国以及牙买加都发出了飓风警报。
Hurricane warnings for Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica as Hurricane Dean bears down on the Caribbean islands. 飓风迪恩逼近加勒比群岛,海地,多米尼加共和国,牙买加拉响了飓风警报。
Hurricane watches and warnings have been posted along hundreds of miles of Florida coastline. 佛罗里达数百英里海岸线沿岸都张贴了飓风警戒和警告。
Hurricane: A tooltip error in rank 3 has been corrected. 飓风:等级三的此法术提示信息错误被修正。
Hurricanes are also costly in dollars. 飓风还会造成巨大的经济损失。
Hurricanes are storms with extremely high wind speeds. 飓风是速度特别高的风暴。
Hurricanes are uncommon in England . 飓风在英国非常罕见。
Hurricanes are uncommon in England. 飓风在英国非常罕见。
Hurricanes are winds with speeds of up to 74 miles per hour. 飓风是一种以每小时74英里的速度。
Hurricanes form in the summer and fall when the sun heats vast stretches of tropical ocean to over 82 degrees. 一个普通飓风在一天之内可释放相当于50万颗小型原子弹的能量。
Hurricanes have winds of at least 74 miles per hour. 飓风的速度至少有每小时74英里。

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