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Soil heat and response of vegetation growth in the loess hilly and gully region:a case study of Yangou Catchment

Review on Structure of Hydrogenase 氢化酶结构研究进展
DNA extraction method of pathogenic fungi and the optimization of simple sequence repeat PCR system 病原真菌DNA提取方法及简单重复序列聚合酶链反应体系的优化
Overview on the 5th International Symposium on Modern Ecology Series of 2009 2009年第五届“现代生态学讲座”国际会议综述
Bioethics and Law in the 21st Century:An Introduction of Bioethical Legislation in Western Countries 生命伦理学与21世纪的法律——西方生命伦理立法概览
Comparative Studies of Genomic DNA Extraction from Populus ussuriensis 大青杨基因组DNA提取方法的比较
Soil heat and response of vegetation growth in the loess hilly and gully region:a case study of Yangou Catchment 黄土丘陵沟壑区农林草地土壤热量状况及植被生长响应——以燕沟流域为例
Study of the primer design on methylation specific PCR 四种基因甲基化特异性PCR引物设计探讨
Establishment and optimization of SRAP reaction system in Siraitia grosvenorii 罗汉果SRAP反应体系的建立与优化
Screening and Identification of 1-Deoxynojirimycin-Producing Bacteria Strain 产1-脱氧野尻霉素微生物菌株的筛选与鉴定
Study on correlation between NDVI and precipitation in Longdong 陇东地区植被指数NDVI与降水的关系研究
Advances in biotechnology and risk assessment study 生物技术发展与风险管控

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