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1939 Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. On the same day Belgium declared its neutrality and President Roosevelt, in a fireside chat, declared the U.S. to be neutral.

1934 Maurice Wilson (British) dies on attempting to climb alone. 英国人)一个人登山时,去世。
1936 A wafer production line is added, developing into a biscuit factory after World War II. 增加一条威化生产线,并在二战以后发展为饼干工厂。
1936 Agreement between Italy and Germany: Rome-Berlin Axis set up. 意大利同德国达成协议,罗马-柏林轴心形成。
1937 Guglielmo Marconl, Italian physicist and pioneer in the use of wireless telegraphy, died in Rome. 意大利物理学家、无线电技术先驱吉列尔莫·马可尼逝世于罗马。
1939 Comrade Norman Bethune, a famous internationalist and a member of the Canadian Communist Party and a distinguished surgeon, died in Wanxian, Hebei Province. 著名的国际主义战士、加拿大共产党员、有名的外科医生诺尔曼·白求恩同志,逝世于河北省完县。
1939 Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. On the same day Belgium declared its neutrality and President Roosevelt, in a fireside chat, declared the U.S. to be neutral. 美国和法国对德宣战。同一天,比利时宣布中立。罗斯福总统在一次炉边谈话中也宣布美国中立。
1939 Madrid fell into the bands of General Franco. The Spanish Civil War ended. 马德里落入佛朗哥将军之手。西班牙内战结束。
1939 Nazi Germany invaded Poland and occupied most of her territory. 1939年纳粹德国侵入波兰并且占领了她的大部分领土。
1939 The world′s first jet-propelled aeroplane, with engine designed by Dr Von Ohain, made its first flight, at Marienehe in North Germany. 世界第一架喷气式飞机在德国北部的马里奈赫作第一次飞行。飞机引擎为冯·奥海因博士所设计。
194 I think a joint enture would be beneficial to both of us . 我认为合资经营对双方都是有利的。
194 I think a joint venture would be beneficial to both of us . 我认为合资经营对双方都是有利的。

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