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The great Timekeeper Crystal, however, does not project its energies in the same way as the fire-crystals`because it is hermetically sealed.

The great Greek grape growers grow great Greed grapes. 伟大的希腊葡萄种植者培育出了优质的希腊葡萄。
The great Greek hero Hercules eventually freed Prometheus. 最后是伟大的希腊英雄海克力斯拯救了普罗米修斯。
The great Hungarian Ferenc Puskas was one of the great stars of the 1950s and early 1960s. 伟大的匈牙利人费伦茨·普斯卡斯是20世纪50年代及60年代早期最耀眼的明星之一。
The great Italian left-back! 不给澳大利亚队任何的机会。
The great Ninth Symphony with its choral finale created a controversy that, after more than a century, has not yet abated. 伟大的第九号交响曲以合唱为终曲所产生的议题,经过了一个多世纪,争论还是持续著。
The great Timekeeper Crystal, however, does not project its energies in the same way as the fire-crystals`because it is hermetically sealed. 因为它是密封的,然而大的时间记录者水晶不能同样像火-水晶那样发射能量。
The great accomplishment of Ford Motor Company was to take something that was enormously complicated like an automobile and put it on this assembly line method, which required inner-changeable parts, required always conveyors and carefully choreographic m 福特汽车公司最大的成就是把像汽车那样非常复杂的东西,放在一个装配线上,这个装配线需要内部可以拆解的零件,始终运转的传送带以及能够将这些零件巧妙装配的动作。
The great actor was surrounded by his usual crowd of hangers-on. 这位大演员的周围经常有些前呼後拥的人。
The great advantage of a notebook computer is that you can take programs and documents with you. 使用笔记本电脑的最大好处就在于你可以将自己所有的程序和文件随身携带。
The great advantage of this metal is that it doesn't rust. 这种金属最大的优点是不生锈.
The great analytic importance of the dream was balanced with technical precepts not to overuse and abuse dream interpretation, and to understand the limitations of dream analysis. 这里有很重要的一点是,我们需要一些技术规范来作出权衡,以使梦的解析不至于被过分滥用,并让我们明白梦的解析的局限性。

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