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A second cataract operation was being planned to restore Romina's bilateral sight, the zoo said in a statement.

A secluded mansion, islanded by shrubbery and fences. 用灌木丛和篱笆隔开的一座幽独的大宅
A secluded structure, such as a bower, in a garden. 凉亭一种在花园中建造的隐蔽性建筑物,如凉亭
A second advance that contributes to this expansion is the enclosed print head, which allows a wide variety of materials to be delivered through the stencil to the substrate. 扩展的第二个进步是附着印刷头,它允许大量的物料通过钢网到达基板上。
A second advantage of static factory methods is that, unlike constructors, they are not required to create a new object each time they're invoked. 第二个好处是,与构造函数不同,它们每次被调用的时候,不要求非得创建一个新的对象。
A second angel followed and said, Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries. 8又有第二位天使、接著说、叫万民喝邪淫大怒之酒的巴比伦大城倾倒了、倾倒了。
A second cataract operation was being planned to restore Romina's bilateral sight, the zoo said in a statement. 布里斯托尔动物园在一次声明说,罗米纳第二次白内障手术的方案已经定下来了,这次手术之后,罗米纳的两只眼睛就都可以看见东西了。
A second climber is still missing and presumed dead. 另一名登山者仍无音信已被假定为死亡。
A second concern, officials say, involves decontamination facilities, a potentially vital aspect of any response to a biological or chemical attack. 其二是消毒设施,这势必是应对生物或化学袭击的至关重要的一个方面。
A second convergence that could provide fertile ground for the next user-generated internet craze is the one that is starting to bring together the worlds of web-browsing and videogames. 其二,是网络浏览世界与视频游戏世界的融合,这可能为下一轮用户自创内容的互联网热潮提供肥沃土壤。
A second difference is where the revenue goes. 另一个区别是收入的去向。
A second drawback of a pure device is that it does not filter any redundant state changes. 纯设备的第二个缺点是它不会滤除任何冗余状态变化。

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