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Synthetically applying abnormal values of magnetism, electric conductivity and high resolution gravity of soil, this paper presents an approach of predicting the prospective oil and gas areas in Biyang sag, and good effects have already been obtained.

Synthetic detergents with high wetting power, such as alkyl sulphonates, alkylaryl sulphonates and polyglycerol ethers, for example, are usually non-corrosive. 有强湿性的合成洗涤剂,如磺酸烷酯、烷基芳基磺酸盐和聚甘油醚等,一般都是无腐蚀性的。
Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric. 合成纤维织物不如棉织品好。
Synthetic index method and grey clustering method were adopted to assess the water quality of one reach of the Caohe River. 摘要采用综合指数法和灰色聚类法对漕河某河段的水环境进行水质评价。
Synthetic mullite slag dam ,high-alumina salg dam and Mg-Alcastable for continuous cadting tundish developed by this factory has good heat stsbility ,strong erosion resistance .It is produced by adopting high aluminium and super fine powder little cement 连铸中间包用莫来石挡渣堰板,高铝质挡渣堰板,铝镁浇注料第我厂开发的适用于连铸中间包用,具有热稳定性好、抗耐蚀能力强等特点,它采用高铝,超细粉低水泥浇注工艺技术生产,具有工艺先进,质量稳定,性能优良的特点。
Synthetic quartz crystal features very good piezoelectric effect, which leads it widely applied in manufacturing frequency-select and frequency-control components such as resonators, oscillators, filters, ...etc. 人造石英晶体具有很好的压电效应,广泛应用于制造各种频率选择和频率控制元器件,如谐振器、振荡器、滤波器等。
Synthetically applying abnormal values of magnetism, electric conductivity and high resolution gravity of soil, this paper presents an approach of predicting the prospective oil and gas areas in Biyang sag, and good effects have already been obtained. 摘要综合运用土壤磁性-电导率异常结合高精度重力异常,对泌阳凹陷有利含油气区域进行预测,取得了较好的效果。
Syphilis is a chronic sexually transmitted infection caused by Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum.The host immune response to Treponema pallidum is so complicated.In recent years,with the development of experiment molecular technology and new proteins 梅毒是由苍白密螺旋体(梅毒螺旋体)引起的一种慢性全身性性传播疾病;宿主对梅毒螺旋体的免疫反应比较复杂;近年来,随着实验技术的改进以及一些梅毒相关性免疫蛋白质分子的发现,对梅毒螺旋体的机体分子免疫研究有了新的进展,此文对梅毒螺旋体分子结构及功能基础,机体免疫与梅毒致病性等作了综述。
Syria appealed to Nasser, who had signed a defence pact with it. 叙利亚向纳赛尔发出了请求。
Syria continues to turn a blind eye as militants transit its territory to join the fight in Iraq. 叙利亚继续对穿越其边境到伊拉克参加战争的好战分子采取睁一只眼闭一支眼的态度。
Syria denies helping Iraq or its fleeing officials. 叙利亚否认有援助伊拉克或逃亡的伊拉克官员。
Syria plans to end its currency's peg to the dollar by year-end. 叙利亚计划在年底终止其货币与美元连动。

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