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Fernstrom, J. D., and R. J. Wurtman. Brain Serotonin Content: Increase Following Ingestion of Carbohydrate Diet.Science 174 (1971): 1023-1025.

Fernando stayed right behind Michael from lap 35 onwards, and the world assumed that all he had to do was sit there, put in his three or four quick laps when Michael pitted, and cruise out of the pits in front. 阿隆索从35圈开始呆在舒马赫身后,全世界都以为他所要做的就是守在那里,等舒马赫进站以后做出3或4个快速圈,然后轻松的在出站后取得首位。
Fernando will receive the B-spec engine at the Nurburgring, as per our original schedule. 费尔南多将按照我们的原定计划在纽博格林使用B规格的引擎。”
Ferns fringed the pool. 池塘周围长着厥类植物
Ferns reproduce (themselves) by spores. 蕨类植物用孢子繁殖.
Ferns, bromeliads and palms were the biggest casualties, and cost about $35 to replace. 羊齿科植物,凤梨科植物和棕榈树,是最大的受害植物,大约花费35美元替换。
Fernstrom, J. D., and R. J. Wurtman. Brain Serotonin Content: Increase Following Ingestion of Carbohydrate Diet.Science 174 (1971): 1023-1025. 《科学》173(1971):149-152,〈脑羟色胺的反应内容:生理上的依赖血浆中色氨酸的浓度.
Ferocious Bite: The Book of Ferocious Bite (Rank 5) now drops somewhere in the world. 凶猛嘶咬(??):5级的技能书将在世界的某一个地方掉落。
Ferocious, deleterious traffic accidents inflict irrevocable damages to the eye. 摘要本篇报告二位外伤性眼球移位病患。
Ferociously cruel actions or behavior. 凶猛,残忍狂暴残酷的行径
Ferrannini,lanfranchi A,Rohner Jeanrenaud F,et al.Influcence of longterm diabetes on liver glycogen metabclism in the rat[J].metabolism.1990,39(10):1082. 贾雪梅,齐易祥,王惠珠,等.实验性糖尿病对小鼠肝脏酶组织化学和超微结构的影响[J].解剖学杂志,1995,18(5):451.
Ferrari dropped down in the last two races, but I think they will be back. 在最近两场比赛中,法拉利落后了,不过我想他们会卷土重来的。

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