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Objective To study the MRI manifestations and the differential diagnosis of brain metastasis, astrocytoma and brain abscess.

Objective:Using the magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)and diffusion weighted imaging(DWI)to examine normal prostate gland in each age section and analyze their signal characteristics. 目的:利用磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)和弥散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging,DWI)技术,对不同年龄段正常人的前列腺进行检查,分析其影像表现,初步探讨前列腺正常老年化改变的MRI和DWI表现及其演变规律。
RESULTS:Cyst plugs were used for 32 lesions in molar regions,7 in premolar and 4 in anterior regions. 目的:介绍2种囊肿塞的设计和制作特点及其在囊肿袋形术后引流中的应用。
AIM: To establish the quality standard for Duhuo Jisheng Mixture (Radix Angelicae Pubescentis, Herba Taxilli, Cortex Fraxini, etc. 目的:建立独活寄生合剂(独活、桑寄生、秦艽等)的质量标准。
Objective To investigate the effects and mechanism of Bushenhuoxuetiaojing Decoction in treating patients with Anovulatory Infertility diagnosed as deficiency of kidney and blood stasis syndrome. 目的:观察补肾活血调经汤治疗肾虚血瘀型排卵障碍性不孕症的临床疗效并探讨其作用机理。
Objective:The occur law of development of the analyses chronicity kidney wane colony Traditional Chinese Medicine proof type distributional point very correlation factors,approach his differ syndrome or symptom complex. 目的:分析职业性慢性铅中毒中医证候分布特点及其相关因素,探讨其不同证候的发生发展规律。
Objective To study the MRI manifestations and the differential diagnosis of brain metastasis, astrocytoma and brain abscess. 目的:分析脑内环形强化病灶的MRI影像学特征,探讨脑转移瘤、胶质瘤、脑脓肿鉴别诊断要点。
Objective To study the chemical constituents in the root bark of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. 目的:对湖丹皮进行系统化学成分研究。
For solve this public health problem, universal salt iodisation (USI) is used to eliminate IDD and gains notable success, incidence of hypothyroid disease descends to low level. 目的:碘是一种人体必需的、对人类健康至关重要的微量元素,它是合成甲状腺激素的原料,因而具有重要的生理意义。
Objective: This study investigated whether the different stress sources could rise to different autonomic nervous response mode and different intervention in the fight against the stress had different results. 目的:本研究主要探讨不同的应激源是否可以引起不同的自主神经反应模式;不同的干预方式在对抗不同的应激时是否具有不同的效果。
Objective The time, the way of decompression and the efficacy of the transpedicular bone grafting were analysed in 132 cases of thoracolumbar vertebral fracture. 目的 总结分析 132例胸腰椎骨折病例的手术时机及后路椎管减压方式、椎体内植骨的疗效。
Object To study the effect of different extracts of Alisma orientalis (Sam. 目的 研究泽泻不同溶剂提取物对大鼠尿草酸钙结石形成的影响 ,并确定其抑制尿草酸钙结石形成的有效部位。

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