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A device consisting of a spinning mass, typically a disk or wheel, mounted on a base so that its axis can turn freely in one or more directions and thereby maintain its orientation regardless of any movement of the base.

A deviation from a vertical or horizontal line, plane, position, or direction. 倾角来自垂直或水平线、面、位置或方向的偏差
A device at the front end of a locomotive or streetcar designed to push aside obstructions. 防护板火车机车或公共汽车前端用来推开障碍物的装置
A device attached to a serial port, such as a mouse or a modem, uses the device associated with that port. 对像一个鼠标或一台调制解调器这样的一个串行端口的一个装置附件,使用与那一个埠有关的装置。
A device connecting two organ keyboards so that they may be played together. 联键音栓连接两个风琴键盘使之能够同时演奏的装置
A device consisting of a dial and an arrow that is spun to indicate the next move in some board games. 可动箭头由一转盘和箭头组成的装置,在某些棋盘游戏中可转动以表示下一步棋的走法
A device consisting of a spinning mass, typically a disk or wheel, mounted on a base so that its axis can turn freely in one or more directions and thereby maintain its orientation regardless of any movement of the base. 陀螺仪一个旋转物体,通常是圆盘或轮子安装在一个底基上,它的轴可以自由地朝一个或多个方向旋转,使所指方向不随底基的运动而改变
A device consisting of fixed and moving parts that modifies mechanical energy and transmits it in a more useful form. 机床一个由固定和可移动部件组成的装置,可以把机械能转化为其他更为有用的形式
A device context is associated with a particular display device, such as a video display or a printer. 关联设备与特殊的显示设备关联,比如视频显示器或打印机。
A device for burning or chemically altering unburned or partially burned carbon compounds in exhaust gases. 排气后燃器用以充分燃烧或从化学上改变废气中未完全燃烧或部分燃烧的含碳化合物的设备
A device for converting electromagnetic radiation in the infra-red, visible and/or ultra-violet regions of the spectrum into an electric current. 一种把下述光谱范围内的电磁辐射转换成电流的装置:红外线、可见光和/或紫外线。
A device for converting energy form one form to another. In relation to computers, the term is applied to a read/write head, to detector of sector marks in a magnetic disc system, and to electronic/sonic pulse converters of delay line memory. 把能量从一种形式转换成另一种形式的装置。在与计算机有关时,这个术语用在磁盘系统中的读/写磁头、扇面标记的检测上,以及用在延迟线存储器的电子或声波脉冲变换器上。

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