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Mauhwa Workhouse is not only a good base for the development of enterprises, but an ideal place to live in for the employees.

Maturity means being emotionally and mentally healthy. It is that time when you know when to say yes, when to say no, and when to say WHOOPEE! 成熟意味着在情绪和精神上的都处于健康的状态。也就是你能分辨何时应该说好,何时应该说不,何时可以欢呼的时候。
Maturity means reacquiring the seriousness one had as a child at play. 成熟就是重新培养儿时嬉戏的认真态度。
Maturity structure of debt financing means the different ratio of short-term debt to long-term debt. 摘要不同期限的负债资金,构成了企业的债权融资期限结构。
Matuzalem plays wide to Rat on the left wing. The Romanian whips in a cross, Solari makes a headed clearance and Adriano moves forward with the ball. 马图扎勒姆传给左路的莱特,莱特随后传中,索拉里头球解围,球落到阿德的脚下,阿德随即拿球向前推进。
Mauck built his web spinner for less than $100, using materials from a DIY home repair store and a secondhand motor. 莫克用自助式居家修缮用品店买来的材料及一台二手马达做了织网机,花费不到一百美元。
Mauhwa Workhouse is not only a good base for the development of enterprises, but an ideal place to live in for the employees. 茂华工场不仅是企业生产发展的基地,还是企业员工居住生活的理想场所。
Maul/Swipe – Tooltips updated to indicate the additional threat caused by these abilities. There have been no changes made to the amount of threat caused. 捶击/挥击-说明更新以表明其能造成的额外的仇恨值。它们所造成的仇恨并没有变化。
Maurice Carroll directs public opinion surveys at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut.She is ahead and she has been ahead and she stays ahead without much change, there is no question that Mrs. 然而分析家提出尽管希拉里议员在民调中长时间处于民主党人的领先地位,她同样继续引来共和党人和独立选民的不利评价,如果她在民主党人的提名中脱颖而出,那么这些会在大选中给她造成许多问题。
Maurice E. Müller is the author of the Manual of Internal Fixation, a basic book in modern Orthopaedics, transalted into seen languages, with seeral editions each. 由于他在骨折内固定领域的影响太大了,不免让人对其在人工髋关节领域中的贡献有所忽略。
Maurice Freedman, Chinese Lineage and Society: Fukien and Kwangtung, New York, Humanities Press, 139 - 140, 1966. 参考胡孚琛:《中华道教大辞典》中国社会科学出版社,350-1页,1995年.
Maurice Hall: Alec, did you dream you had a friend? Someone to last your whole life? 你曾经梦想过拥有一个朋友,一个能相伴一生的人么?

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