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I will go some day before I pass out.

I will go on errands this or next week. 我会在这星期或下星期出差。
I will go on errands this week or next. 我会在这星期或下星期出差。
I will go on with my work unless I get the order to the contrary . 我将继续工作直到我得到相反的命令。
I will go on with my work unless I get the order to the contrary. 我将继续工作直到我得到相反的命令。
I will go out and stand with my father in the field where you are. I'll speak to him about you and will tell you what I find out. 3我就出到你所藏的田里、站在我父亲旁边、与他谈论.我看他情形怎样、我必告诉你。
I will go some day before I pass out. 我两腿一伸之前,总有一天会去的。
I will go there by a commercial airliner. 我将乘商务班机去那儿。
I will go there directly I have finished my breakfast. 吃完早饭后我就立即到那里去。
I will go through my bad patch soon. 我将会很快度过我的阴暗期。
I will go to America next year. 我(打算/计画)明年要去美国.
I will go to Beijing and start my intern next Tuesday. 我将去到北京和下星期二将开始我的实习。

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