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The requirement for a trial by jury complicates these cases, because juries often have difficulty grasping the intricacies of both the technology and the subtleties of patent law.

The requests are called hits. 每一次的触击都会被伺服器所记录。
The required concentration can be adjusted from the screen (LC %), but in normal conditions it is equal to 15%. 所需的浓度可在屏幕上进行调节(LC%),但是在正常情况下等于15%。
The required information can only be obtained with the analytical method for the historical literature of science &technology. 实地考察和模拟实验可以填补文献记载的不足,解决许多单纯由文献资料研究所难以解决的问题。
The required levels of construction cost estimates vary at different stages of project development ,ranging from ball park figures in the early stage to fairly reliable figures for budget control prior to construction. ?建筑成本估算要求的精确程度在项目发展的不同阶段发生着变化,从早期的相近数字到施工前预算控制时相当准确的是数字。
The requiremenl of the connotation esxpansion of the modern agriculture results from not only the socialist modem construction progressing from the key point into the overall development, but also the breakthrough of the three-in-one pattern: tho agricult 农业现代化内涵的拓展,既是我国社会主义现代化建设由重点突进转向全面推进的要求,也是农业、农村、农民“三位一体”格局被打破的要求。
The requirement for a trial by jury complicates these cases, because juries often have difficulty grasping the intricacies of both the technology and the subtleties of patent law. 此外,由陪审团进行审判的要件也让案子更加复杂,因为陪审团通常难以掌握科技与专利法的繁复枝节。
The requirement for the automobile parts is being raised by the developing automobile industry that is promoting the extensive application of vermicular iron. 摘要汽车工业的发展对总成及零部件要求正在提高,而促进了蠕铁的广泛应用。
The requirement for the partner to have a degree or be in a graduate level post reflects the likely greater contribution of those spouses/unmarried partners with skills at degree level. 是为了考虑申请人配偶或者长期伴侣可以在英国工作对英国经济作出贡献。
The requirement is aimed at preventing global financial woes of foreign banks from spilling over to their branches in China, Song Dahan, vice minister of the State Council's Legislative Affairs Office, said. 据国务院法制办公室副主任宋大涵解释,条例规定只有在中国注册的外资法人银行才可全面经营人民币业务,主要是为了防止外资银行总行的金融危机波及到其在中国的分行。
The requirement is aimed at preventing global financial woes of foreign banks from spilling over to their branches in China, Song Dahan, vice-minister of the State Council's Legislative Affairs Office, said on November 16. 16日,据国务院法制办公室副主任宋大涵解释,条例规定只有在中国注册的外资法人银行才可全面经营人民币业务,主要是为了防止外资银行总行的金融危机波及到其在中国的分行。
The requirement is aimed at preventing global financial woes of foreign banks from spilling over to their branches in China, Song Dahan, vice-minister of the State Council's Legislative Affairs Office, said yesterday. 昨天,据国务院法制办公室副主任宋大涵解释,条例规定只有在中国注册的外资法人银行才可全面经营人民币业务,主要是为了防止外资银行总行的金融危机波及到其在中国的分行。

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