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The Analyst will work with the Internal Controls Manager in communicating findings and recommending actions to management and reporting all significant and/or material findings to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.

The Amway business can be passed to the next generation and leadership can be duplicated, making it a valuable long-term development opportunity. 安利的生意可以留给下一代,人才亦可以复制,是一个长远的事业机会。
The Amway business has enriched my life in many ways. 安利丰富我的人生阅历,亦大大改变了我的生活。
The Analects contains abundant and abstruse moral philosophy, mercy, justice and courtesy are the core of social morality, faithfulness is the base of professional morality and piety family virtue. 摘要《论语》含有丰富而深邃的道德哲学,其中以“仁”、“义”、“礼”为核心的社会公德;以“忠”为基础的职业道德;以“孝”为起点的家庭美德。
The Analects of Confucius, which came from your wisdom and practice of teaching, laid down for you the throne of educator and thinker. 一部《论语》,奠定了教育家和思想家的宝座,来自教育实践的智慧。
The Analysis of Social Costs of State-Enterprises in Transitional China, Social Sciences Academic Press(China),2000. 《国有企业社会成本分析》,(合著),社会科学文献出版社2000年版。
The Analyst will work with the Internal Controls Manager in communicating findings and recommending actions to management and reporting all significant and/or material findings to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. 分析师需协助内部控制经理,就有关决定和调研结果与管理层进行沟通,建议可采取的措施;并将任何重大或实质性的调查结果上报董事会审计委员会。
The Ancient Druid Order claim that Toland held a gathering of Druids from all over Britain and Ireland in a London tavern, the Appletree, in 1717. 古代德鲁伊律法声称托兰持有从整个英国到爱尔兰的德鲁伊教知识收集,于1717年在伦敦的一间酒馆里面。
The Ancient Egyptians were a fascinating people. 古埃及人是个令人神往的民族.
The Ancient Greeks used lenses or concave mirrors to concentrate the sun's rays and burning glasses were also used by Mexican Aztecs and the Chinese. 古希腊人使用透镜或凹面镜聚集太阳光线并且这种方法也被墨西哥阿芝台克和中国人使用。
The Ancient One manifested before her. 在她前面旧一显现。
The Ancient One showed her that one day the Earth would thaw and the knowledge buried for all time would turn to water which would flow into the oceans and into the collective consciousness of humanity. 旧一向她展现有一天地球会解冻而为全部时间埋葬的知识就会转变为雨水流入海洋而进入人类的集体意识中。

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