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A wife is a luxury...a smart accountant a necessity.

A thorough survey of a planet\'s surface is insufficient to establish beyond a doubt that the planet contains no life. 对一个行星表面的全面勘测并不足以确定该行星没有生命。
A toast to my brothers,the dwarf added. “敬我的兄弟们,”矮人补充道。
A vast array of individuals seriously overrate the importance of money in making themselves, and others, happy,said strategist James Montier in a recent memo to clients. 策略师詹姆斯·蒙蒂尔在最近给客户的一份便函中提到:“在使自己和他人快乐这方面,很多人都过高地估计了金钱的重要性。”
A very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. 只有用心才能看得清。实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。
A virus is not a good analogy. 病毒并不是一个妥当的类比。
A wife is a luxury...a smart accountant a necessity. 教条255-妻子是奢侈品...一个聪明的会计则是必需品。
A wife would be no good to him now. 这会儿有老婆对他可没好处。
A wise man can hear profit in the wind. 教条22-聪明人可以从流言中听到利润。
Ais for acknowledging or apprecitaing your value as a person, gifted with endowments of self-awareness, creative imagination, conscience, independence, will and multiple intelligence. 代表认识或意识到你作为人的价值。上天赋予你自我意识,创造性想象力、良知、独立、意志和各种才智。
A...ah...oh no! Taka you super ultra pervert!!Miaka pounded Taka's shoulders. “啊……嗯……啊,不要!魏你真是超级超级堕落!”美朱猛压向魏的肩膀。
AIDS still is not curable, but people [with HIV] are living healthy, productive lives,says Curran. About 500,000 individuals in high-income countries receive antiretroviral treatment. 库兰说:「爱滋病仍然无药可治,可是爱滋病毒带原者可以过著健康、有贡献的生活。」高收入国家大约有50万人接受抗逆转性滤过性病毒药物的治疗。

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