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With the knowledge of the lack of objective attitude and incorrect judgment to the nature of the case, we appeal to China All Women's Federation to take effective measures in urging the public security bureau to investigate the case thoroughly, so as to e

With the invention of the CPU an epiphany in material management occurred. 随著cpu的发明,物流管理的王道也出现了!
With the invention of the light microscope in the 17th century and electron microscope in the 20th century, scientists become able to conduct more in-depth studies of the human body. 自从光学显微镜和电子显微镜相继于十七世纪和二十世纪出现以后,科学家已能对人体作更深入的研究。
With the investment for RMB 50 million Yuan, the company has the workshops with the area for 12000 square meters, the employees for over 600, and the monthly productivity for 30000 square meters, and the products are mainly applied in the fields of digita 公司投资5000万人民币,厂房面积12000平方米,员工人数600多人,月生产能力30000平方米,产品主要应用在数码、通讯、电脑周边、家用电器、汽车音响等领域。
With the joint efforts of the Nanjing Exhibition Center and the German Messe Friedrichshafen Company, the Asia Outdoor Trade Fair will continue the marvelous traditons of the European Oudoor in the fields of exhibitors organization, propagand and extensio 在南京国展中心与菲德烈斯哈芬展览公司的共同努力下,亚洲户外展将延续欧洲户外展在展商组织、宣传推广、专业观众邀请、现场活动策划等方面的精彩表现,为国际户外用品企业走进亚洲市场、亚洲户外用品企业走向国际市场,搭建沟通与交流的桥梁。
With the kind effort of the Party Secretary Qiu Dong and the President Wang Guangqian, as well as with the hard effort of Professor Shi Jianping responsible for school training, the International Cooperation Division, the School of Training and other scho 在中央财经大学领导邱东书记、王广谦校长等领导的鼎力支持下,在学校主管培训工作的领导史建平教授与学校国际合作处、培训学院以及其他有关学院的竭诚努力下,2006年,中央财经大学首次承办了商务部“非洲国家财政金融研修班”、“发展中国家中国市场经济建设研讨班”、“南太平洋国家官员审计研修班”三个委托培训项目。
With the knowledge of the lack of objective attitude and incorrect judgment to the nature of the case, we appeal to China All Women's Federation to take effective measures in urging the public security bureau to investigate the case thoroughly, so as to e 有鉴于此,考虑到湘潭市公安机关对本案定性错误、侦查错误,无法客观、公正地处理本案,我们受害者家属特呼吁和请求全国妇联及其领导关注本案,采取有效措施,排除干扰,依据中山大学的司法鉴定结论,督促有公安部拓展办案思路,开展深入细致侦查,尽快侦结此案,以追究所有涉案犯罪嫌疑人暴力致死黄静的刑事责任,让受害者瞑目,给受害者家属和社会一个公正的交代,以切实保障公民的人身权利,维护法治的尊严,真正唱响“人民公安为人民”的旋律!
With the labor market being increasingly competitive, many people do not take their present jobs for granted. 随着劳动市场的竞争日趋激烈,许多人不再把他们的工作看成是理所当然的了.
With the large manufacture scale,the integrated series of products and high ability of design, the company has its unique advantages, such as original design, top quality and elaborate pro-cessing, in helping you reduce cost, increase quality, ensure rate 庞大生产规模、齐全的产品配套和强大的设计力量,庐美所具有的综合优势和实力,能够有效帮您降低成本、提高工程质量,保证施工进度,并可以助您实现工厂化装潢一条龙服务。
With the last breath of my soul. 用发自肺腑的最后一口气。
With the last government survey, conducted in 1998, projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels. 据1998年政府所做的最新查勘,那里有30亿到160亿桶原油储量。
With the leading of chairman Wangyun Wu and scores of years' great effort, the company consists of several branches as Auto Refit, Auto Parts, Sales and Service, Auto Repair etc.. Depend on the strong power, our company established Hangzhou Sales and Serv 依靠雄厚的实力,2004年公司成立中国重型汽车集团有限公司杭州销售服务中心(以汽车销售、配件供应、售后服务、信息反馈四位一体),并在浙江省设立多家合作销售网点。

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