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The vegetative shoot apex is thin and flat morphologically, and its cytohistological zonation pattern is an apical initial zone, a central mother cell zone, a cambium-like transitional zone, a peripheral zone, and a rib meristem, while cone apex is conifo

The vegetation surrounding this historic place is equally astounding. 这处历史遗迹周围的植被也同样震撼人心。
The vegetation types are described of Baishanzu National Nature Reserve in Qingyuan county,Zhejiang Province.The surveyed area covered25thousand hm 2 in which27sample plots with20m×20m each were selected.Based on the importance value of plant species,six 对近20年来多次调查的资料进行系统整理,将百山祖植被主要划分成6个植被类型:常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、针阔叶混交林、针叶林、山地矮林和山地灌草丛,其下可分为22个群系;同时对群落的种类组成、结构和演替趋势作了概述。
The vegetation varies from the de e tropical forests, the mangrove forests along the coast, to the shruberry of the arid desert lands, to the thick mountainous forests and alpine vegetation along the slopes of the ow-ca ed Mount Kenya. 这里的植被各种各样,有高密的热带森林,沿海分布的红木森林,干旱的沙漠地带,厚密的高山森林以及高山植被,还有以雪为顶的肯尼亚雪山。
The vegetation varies from the dense tropical forests, the mangrove forests along the coast, to the shruberry of the arid desert lands, to the thick mountainous forests and alpine vegetation along the slopes of the snow-capped Mount Kenya. 这里的植被各种各样,有高密的热带森林,沿海分布的红木森林,干旱的沙漠地带,厚密的高山森林以及高山植被,还有以雪为顶的肯尼亚雪山。
The vegetative body of the filamentous algae (e.g. Spirogyra), composed of a line of similar cells joined by their end walls. 丝状体:2.丝状藻类的植物体(如水绵),由一列相似的细胞彼此通过端壁连接而成。
The vegetative shoot apex is thin and flat morphologically, and its cytohistological zonation pattern is an apical initial zone, a central mother cell zone, a cambium-like transitional zone, a peripheral zone, and a rib meristem, while cone apex is conifo 营养茎端外形扁平,内部顶端分生组织结构有顶端原始细胞区、中央母细胞区、形成层状过渡区、周围分生组织区及肋状分生组织区5个明显的分区;而雌球果原基外形呈圆锥状,内部结构只有套层和髓区。
The vehicle can switch to cruising on water within seconds and once waterborne it can reach speeds of 50 km/h, according to Gibbs Technologies, the British firm that designed it. 根据跑车的设计公司吉布斯技术,汽车水陆转换过程只需数秒钟就能完成,跑车的水上时速可以达到50公里。
The vehicle can then electronically engage the electric motor to kick in the extra power when needed. 汽车本身也可用电子方式衔接电动马达,在需要时提供额外动力。
The vehicle concerns improvement status. 车辆审核问题点改进情况。
The vehicle craftsmanship issues improvement status. 整车精致工艺问题改进情况。
The vehicle developed a loss of power. 这车子逐渐形成动力的丧失。

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