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Former commission members that did not seek election to the new group included Congo, Ethiopia, Libya, Sudan and Vietnam.

Former US president Ronald Reagan died on 5 June at age 93. 美国前总统罗纳德·里根于6月5日逝世,享年93岁。
Former Vice President Al Gore was the guest speaker. 前副总统阿尔.戈尔也应邀发言。
Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic opens his defense case at the Yugoslav war crimes U.N. tribunal in the Hague, the Netherlands, Monday, July 5, 2004. 7月5日,前南斯拉夫联盟总统米洛舍维奇开始在海牙前南问题国际刑事法庭上为自己辩护。
Former agents say recruiters approached poor young army veterans looking for jobs, and promised big pay checks and government jobs once they completed their unspecified missions. 前特工们说,招募人员向那些正在找工作的年轻退伍军人许诺,完成任务后他们将得到高额报酬和一份政府工作。
Former clergyman Lin Jing-you, charged for molesting an underage girl during his ministry in 2002, was sentenced to an additional year of imprisonment yesterday when the Taiwan High Court ruled that he has not demonstrated any remorse for his conduct. 之前担任牧师的林进友,在2002年被指控在担任职务时猥亵一名未成年少女,昨天,台湾高等法院裁定,由于没有迹象显示他对自己的行为有丝毫悔意,他的徒刑被延长一年。
Former commission members that did not seek election to the new group included Congo, Ethiopia, Libya, Sudan and Vietnam. 前人权大会成员中没有寻求竞选新的理事会的国家包括:刚果,埃塞俄比亚,利比亚,苏丹和越南。
Former commission members that did not seek election to the new group included Congo, Ethiopia, Libya, Sudan, and Vietnam. . 以前的委员会成员包括刚果,埃塞俄比亚,黎巴嫩,苏丹和越南没有加入新的组织。
Former commission members that did not seek election to the new group included Congo, Ethiopia, Libya,Sri_Lanka, Sudan and Vietnam. 为参加新组织选举的前委员会成员国包括刚果,埃塞俄比亚,利比亚,斯里兰卡,苏丹和越南。
Former editor-in-chief of Denver Quarterly, he now serves as poetry editor of Colorado Review. 他曾是《丹佛季刊》的主编,目前担任《科罗拉多评论》的诗编辑。
Former experience with researching is a big plus. 过往最好拥有研究相关的工作经验.
Former first lady Nancy Reagan shakes hands with sailors as she arrives on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan ,July 23, 2004, somewhere off the coast of San Diego. 7月23日,在美国西海岸的圣迭戈港,前美国第一夫人南希·里根来到美核动力航空母舰“里根号”的飞行甲板上与海员握手。

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