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Analysis on the incidences of hypertension,hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia among female staff at primary and middle schools in Chaoyang District of Beijing;

Separation of Taxol and Cephalomannine by Thin Layer Chromatography; 薄层色谱法分离紫杉醇和三尖杉宁碱
The paper describes a synthetic method of C_2-symmetrical chiral bisoxazolines via an one-step reaction. 报道了一步合成C2型轴对称手性双噁唑啉的方法。
A Love wave immunosensor based on protein A immobilization strategy for staphylococcal enterotoxins B (SEB) is presented. 报道了一种基于蛋白A固定技术的新型Love波免疫传感器,可用于检测B型葡萄球菌肠毒素(SEB)。
Artemisinine was extracted by anhydrous ethanol for 10 min at temperature 90 ℃ and pressure 12. 报道了一种应用快速溶剂萃取、经衍生化处理后用RP-HPLC测定青蒿药材中青蒿素的方法。
Analysis of NSAIDs Used During 2004~2006 in Beihai city Hospital; 北海市医院2004年至2006年非甾体抗炎药的用药分析
Analysis on the incidences of hypertension,hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia among female staff at primary and middle schools in Chaoyang District of Beijing; 北京市朝阳区中小学女教职工高血压高血糖高血脂状况分析
Establishment of Information System of Sanitary and Epidemiology in Beijing City; 北京市卫生学流行病学信息系统的建立
In 1999, a concept of metabolic syndrome (MS) was first proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO), who pointed out that all the cardiovascular risk factors collectively made up MS. 背景:大量临床资料显示,2型糖尿病、糖耐量异常、高血压、血脂紊乱和中心性肥胖等多种心血管危险因子常在同一个个体聚集,1999年世界卫生组织(WHO)和2001年美国国家胆固醇教育计划成人治疗组第3次报告(NCEP-ATPⅢ)将这种心血管危险因子聚集的现象定义为代谢综合征(MS)并制定了诊断标准。
After exposed to different doses of hydroxyurea in the culture medium for 5 days, proliferation and differentiation of neurons from midbrain cells were examined. 背景与目的:为探讨羟基脲(HU)对胚胎发育的作用,采用胚胎中脑细胞微团培养研究HU对细胞增殖和分化的影响。
Preventive effects of benopril and losartan on cyclosporine A chronic nephrotoxicity in rats; 贝那普利联合氯沙坦对环孢素A致大鼠慢性肾毒性的防治作用
The Analysis of Phenol Synthesize Methods by Green Chemistry; 苯酚合成方法的绿色化学分析

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