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Study on cellular gene response to low concentration of MNNG in human amnion FL cells by high throughput real-time fluorescent PCR

Study on Variations of Serum Protein Content of Chinese Bufonidae During its Hibernation 中华蟾蜍冬眠前后血清蛋白含量的变化研究
Study on [B_3-Lys]-Insulin: Receptor Binding and Biological Activity [B3-Lys]-胰岛素的研究:受体结合及生物活性
Study on a high throughput method of screening adducted site of DNA adducts 高通量筛选DNA加合物位点方法的探讨
Study on abnormal proliferation of peripheral B cell in BXSB mice BXSB小鼠外周B淋巴细胞异常增生的研究
Study on an Efficient Method for Preparation and Analysis of RNA 有效制备核糖核酸的方法研究
Study on cellular gene response to low concentration of MNNG in human amnion FL cells by high throughput real-time fluorescent PCR 用高通量实时荧光PCR技术研究低浓度MNNG诱发的细胞基因应答反应
Study on changes of serum T helper cell type 1 and 2 cytokines after active immunotherapy in women with unexplained habitual abortion 原因不明习惯性流产患者主动免疫治疗前后T辅助细胞1、2型细胞因子的变化
Study on clinical efficacy and pharmacodynamics of netilimicin sulfate injection 硫酸奈替米星注射液临床疗效及药效学研究
Study on comparative pharmacology of series of Muskone 冠心苏合丸系列组方的比较药理学研究
Study on detection of peripheral T lymphocyte with esterase staining Ⅲ. Guinea pig T lymphocyte with E rosette formation and esterase staining 醋酸萘酯酶染色法检测循环T淋巴细胞的实验研究 Ⅲ豚鼠淋巴细胞的E花结形成和酯酶染色
Study on digoxin pharmacokinetics in elderly heart failure patients 老年心力衰竭病人地高辛药代动力学研究

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