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You're Unhealthy: If you're sick, stay home. If you have the sniffles or must come in, cover you mouth and do whatever you can to avoid infecting you coworker.

You're Bruce Wayne, the Prince of Gotham, you'd have to go a thousand miles to meet someone who didn't know your name, so don't come down here with your anger, trying to prove something to yourself. 你是布鲁斯·韦恩,歌潭镇的王子,你必须到千里之外没有人知道你名字的地方去见个人,所以不要带着你的愤怒来到这里,为了证明你自己的一些东西。
You're Mr. Allen, aren't you? 你是艾伦先生,对吧?
You're Mr. Smith, aren't you? Hope to cooperate with you. 您是史密斯先生,是吧?希望合作成功。
You're No 2 for landing, follow a B747 5 miles ahead, call over out marker. 你第二个降落,跟着你前面5海里的B747,过远台报告。
You're Really A Changed Person! 你实在变成另一个人!
You're Unhealthy: If you're sick, stay home. If you have the sniffles or must come in, cover you mouth and do whatever you can to avoid infecting you coworker. 六、你有病。病了就在家待着。感冒了但必须得上班,那就戴上口罩,尽可能避免感染同事。
You're a big Nebraska Cornhuskers fan. Who would you say are more rabid, UT fans or Nebraska fans? 你是个超级内布拉斯玉米队的球迷。你觉得谁更疯狂,UT球迷还是内布拉斯的球迷?
You're a big fan of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth -- so when someone asks for your honest opinion, they can count on getting it. 桔解:你是真理的潜心追随者,只追求唯一的事实,那么有人需要听取你的真实意见时,他们完全可以确信依靠它。
You're a bit off base there. 你在那个地方有点不对头.
You're a born money manager, Taurus. 金牛:你是一个天生的理财高手。
You're a bunch of softies!' the sergeant shouted to the new recruits.  你们这帮东西, 弱不禁风! 中士对新兵嚷道.

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