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As a default, it goes to the terminal display screen.

As a dancer, he is second to none. 他的舞艺无出其右.
As a dancer, she's not much better. 而作为一名舞者,她也强不到哪里去。
As a data bank for special use, the learner corpus serving as a washback on teachers and learners exerts an active impact upon teaching and learning. 作为一种专用语料库,学习者语料库对学习者的语言学习和教师的外语教学可以起到积极的反拨作用。
As a decision maker of a company,what those who play a leading role want is such kind of furniture,based on project taking into account every operating need,both functional and high quality image,set upholstered leather and real wood. 身为公司决策人,高层领导所需要的办公家具,不仅需具备功能性,更要有最高的品质与形象,而原木与真皮正可以表现出这样的威信。
As a dedication female, comparing with whole family, I'm not important. 作为一位奉献型的女性,与整个家庭相比,我不重要。
As a default, it goes to the terminal display screen. 作为默认的设置,它通过终端在屏幕上显示。
As a default, it is read from the terminal keyboard. 作为默认的设置,它从终端的键盘读取数据。
As a deity of creation and life it was also associated with Osiris. 如同创造和生命的神那样它也与(司阴府之神)欧斯里斯有关.
As a demonstration project for the national medium-and small-sized cities and towns, the new technologies, new equipment as well as the use of new materials required in the fields of the planning and designing technologies of ecological cities and towns, 作为全国中小城镇的示范工程,在生态城镇的规划设计技术,水资源的合理开发、节能增效、道路交通系统建设方面所需要的新技术、新设备以及新材料的利用,将成为国家重要的经济增长点,提供广阔的合作领域,促进环保产业形成规模。
As a designated enterprise for producing the pipes for Chinese Petroleum, China Chemical, State Power Company and Chemical Industry, our company is engaged in the production and sales of flange, bend, pipe and other metal pipes. 公司是专业从事法兰、弯头、承插管件、等金属管道连接件的制造和销售企业,为中国石油、中国石化、国家电力公司、化工部管件定点企业。
As a detection method without damages, the transient Rayleigh wave exploration has been widely used in engineering investigation, monitoring, detecting and so on. 摘要瞬态瑞雷波勘探作为一种无损检测手段已广泛应用于岩土工程勘查、监测、检测等领域。

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