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Based on slip frequency control strategy for the mutual-feed test bed, it is studied the regulation of traction motor speed as well as the analog load resistance torque with analog load.

Based on several main scenes in Native Son, this essay analyzes the process of how the central character Bigger Thomas develops from a naturalistic victim to a realistic new Negro, during which he pursues his dream, expresses his suppression out of instin 摘要本文从《土生子》的几个主要场景,分析了主人公托马斯?别格从追求自己的梦想、本能的冲动和发泄内心积蓄的压抑到産生对自己的行爲动机、思想活动进行质问、思攷的飞跃,继而由于自我意识的苏醒而获得内心解放,从而完成了从一名自然主义受害者到现实主义新黑人的这一过程。
Based on signal from carbon fiber composite defects such as lamination, hole, looseners in ultrasonic testing, this paper performs wavelet packet transform on the ultrasonic signals to extract statistics of approximation coefficients and detail coefficien 摘要本文以碳纤维复合材料常见缺陷分层、孔隙、疏松的超声波检测缺陷信号为研究对象,对超声波检测信号进行小波包变换,提取包含信号绝大部分能量的近似系数波形特征及细节系数的统计量作为样本的特征值。
Based on simulations, the paper gives a comparison and discussions of both models. 在此基础之上,应用微宏观两种模型进行了数值模拟和讨论。
Based on sincerity, require university students should have first-class professional ethics while learning professional knowledge well, through believing in a religion to breed sincerely make students form the fine quality of sincerity. 摘要诚信为本,要求大学生在学好专业知识的同时,应具有一流的职业道德,通过开展诚信教育,使学生形成诚信的优良品质。
Based on site investigation, this paper probes into the technical classification, main engineering characteristics, and construction technology for cemented pebbles, and recommends the construction technology of dredging after loosening. 摘要通过实地试验,对胶结卵石技术分类、主要工程特性、施工工艺等进行了分析研究。提出先采用机械冲击松动后用挖船清渣的“先松后挖法”的施工工艺。
Based on slip frequency control strategy for the mutual-feed test bed, it is studied the regulation of traction motor speed as well as the analog load resistance torque with analog load. 摘要针对互馈试验台,基于转差频率控制策略,研究了牵引电机侧速度的调节和负载模拟侧阻力矩的调节。
Based on small satin weave structure and by inserting anti-static yarn into the warp sheet, the woven fabric is characteristic of both satin style and static proof. 摘要采用小缎纹作基础组织,通过在织物经向嵌织入防静电纱制织成防静电织物,使织物既具有缎纹的风格,又具有低湿条件下良好的防静电效果及耐洗耐磨性。
Based on soil magnetism investigation on one of area in Hebei province tibility data to describe the soil magnetic background of plain area in Hebei province, and to study the method of biomagnetism application in agriculture. 通过对河北省平原区某地土壤样品的磁性测试,试图分析河北省平原区的土壤磁性背景,探讨生物磁学农业应用的途径。
Based on soil release finish of polyester-cotton fabric, the key factors concerning dyes and auxiliary selection, color control, finishing condition were analyzed. Meanwhile the related testing methods were also introduced. 摘要根据涤棉易去污整理织物的生产实践,对染料选择、色光控制、助剂选择和整理工艺等各关键因素进行分析,同时介绍其测评方法。
Based on some classical analyzing cases made with the game theory, the behaviors of the water users participating the water allocation concerned under different water right modes are explained rationally herein combined with the characteristics of the wat 摘要文中运用博弈论中的经典分析案例结合流域水资源配置特点对不同水权模式下参与人的用水行为作出合理解释。
Based on some research and investigations on the history and status quo of the study on translation unit, this author holds the view that the past definitions and discussions concerning translation unit do not take translator's subjectivity into considera 摘要回顾翻译单位研究的历史和现状,笔者认为已往对于翻译单位的界定和探讨缺少对译者主体性的观照。

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