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Over more than ten years, the Company's tradition of customer service and businesslike approach of management has earned the recognition of customers and the support and trust of enterprises.

Over last year, it fell well short of both targets. 在过去的一年中,这两个目标都还远远的没有达到。
Over many years, we have all along devoted into the exploration and practice of market-orientation, modernization and internalization of Chinese fundamental education. 多年来,我们一直致力于中国基础教育工作的市场化、现代化、国际化的探索与实践。
Over middle class professional title, or 1st class registered structural engineer. 中级以上专业技术职称,注册一级结构工程师优先考虑。
Over millions of years such societies should have established colonies, which might themselves launch interstellar expeditions. 超过了百万年,如此的社会应该已经建立了殖民地,在那里他们应该开始了星际的探索。
Over millions of years these climatic shifts may have regularly spawned events that give rise to new mammal species. 数百万年来,或许正是这些气候变化孕育了新兴的哺乳动物.
Over more than ten years, the Company's tradition of customer service and businesslike approach of management has earned the recognition of customers and the support and trust of enterprises. 10多年来,本公司始终坚持以客户为中心的经营理念,以务实的经营作风、科学的管理体系及优良的服务,赢得了客户的认可和好评,赢得了众多企事业单位的支持与信赖。
Over night astronauts continued inspecting the shuttle for any signs of damage from lift-off . 宇航员们彻夜不停地检查太空梭,寻找飞船在发射时受损的任何迹象。
Over nine months in 2005 and 2006, data gatherers accompanied the truckers on 304 trips to and from Aceh, recording more than 6,000 illegal pay-offs at military roadblocks, police checkpoints and weigh stations. 在2005和2006年的超过9个月里,陪同卡车司机从亚齐出发的304次旅行中的数据采集记录了超过6000多个非法的军事收费路障,警察检重站。
Over nine months, the University of Miami team gave 91 HIV patients a daily capsule containing 200 micrograms of high-selenium yeast, and another 83 patients a daily placebo capsule. 9个多月以来,迈阿密大学的一个研究小组给91名HIV患者每天服用含有200毫克高硒发酵剂,另外83名患者服用安慰剂。
Over ninety countries ratify an agreement to ban the use of these chemicals. 九十多个国家批准了一项禁止使用这些化学品的协议。
Over ninety per centum of the islanders here are illiterate. 这儿的岛民,百分之九十以上都是文盲。

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