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Chromatin is the material that makes up chromosomes; it consists of DNA complexed with proteins.

Christy Freeman is being held without bond in Ocean City, Maryland. Police found the bodies of 4 infants at her home. None of the babies had developed to full term . 克莉丝蒂弗里曼在海洋城马里兰被刑事拘留。警方在她的家中发现了四名婴儿的尸体,其中没有一个是足月儿。
Christy Freeman is being held without bond in Ocean City, Maryland. Police found the bodies of 4 infants at her home. None of the babies had developed to full term. 克里斯汀?弗里曼在马里兰海洋城被捕,禁止保释。警察在其住处搜出了四具婴儿尸体,没有任何一具是足月产儿。
Chromatic people:hold like above , only use your right thumb it press in the key. 半音口琴的朋友:保持像上面所讲的,只用你的右手(食)指按钥匙(推杆)。
Chromatid One of a pair of replicated chromosomes found during the prophase and metaphase stages of mitosis and meiosis. 染色单体:在有丝分裂和减数分裂的前期和中期一对已经复制了的染色体中的一个。
Chromatin The loose network of threads seen in nondividing nuclei that represents the chromosomal material, consisting of DNA, protein (mainly histone), and small amounts of RNA. 染色质:间期细胞内由DNA,蛋白质(主要是组蛋白),以及少量的RNA组成的线性复合结构,是间期细胞遗传物质存在的形式。
Chromatin is the material that makes up chromosomes; it consists of DNA complexed with proteins. 由DNA和蛋白质组成的染色质,是构成染色体的原料。
Chromatography A method of analyzing materials involving the separation by selective absorption of the various compounds as identifiable bands. 层析,色谱法:通过选择性的吸附不同的化合物呈现出不同的可辨认的条带的一种分析物质的方法。
Chromatography-mass spectrometry technology,which possesses the property of separation and identification,has founded new system of studying the metabolism of traditional Chinese medicine,and is applicated extensively in the drug metabolism. 色谱-质谱联用技术作为一种具分离和鉴别为一体的分析方法,应用于中药单体及其复方成分代谢的研究中,开创了中药药代动力学研究的新思路。
Chromatophore A name generally applied to a pigment-bearing structure, usually a membrane lamlla or vesicle. 载色体:承载色素的结构,通常是细胞膜的薄层或小泡。
Chrome Oxide Green is an inorganic pigment with an olive-green hue which gives a high level of opacity. 氧化铬绿是一种具有高遮盖力的橄榄绿色无机颜料。
Chromium having been added, strength and hardness of the steel increased. 加入铬之宾,钢的强度和硬度都增加了。

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