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The alternate host of alfalfa rust-leafy spurge is a common weed in the alfalfa area ofnorth China.

The all 9 patients could urinate independently, the most urinary rates of these cases were 0~ ml/s and the average rate was ml/s, the urinary time were ~ s and the average time was s. 拔管后周,最大尿流率0~ ml/s,平均ml/s,排尿时间 ~s,平均s。
The allergen antigen is one of three major allergens found in vespid venom, which is valuable for venom allergic diagnose and immunotherapy. 蜂毒过敏原抗原(allergen antigen,Ag)是胡蜂蜂毒的主要过敏原之一,在蜂毒的过敏诊断和治疗上有重要的应用价值。
The allergen categories were different between contact dermatitis and eczema (χ =87 ,P<0 0;χ = 7 7,P<0 0), and the difference is extremely significant. 接触性皮炎与湿疹均可由不同种类的过敏原引起 ,差异有非常显著性 ( χ= 87 ,P <0 0 ;χ = 7 7 ,P <0 0 )。
The alpine sclerophyllous oak plants refer to a kind of plants in Quercus subgenus Quercus sect. Brachylepides(8 species and impeach species) and Quercus subgenus Quercus sect. Engleriana(7 species). 硬叶常绿高山栎类植物是指壳斗科栎亚属中的高山栎组(Quercus subgenus Quercus sect. B rachylepides)的8种植物和个存疑种植物,以及巴东栎组(Quercus subgenus Quercus sect. Engleriana)的7种植物。
The alteration of expression of HLA-DR after coculturing arachnoid cells in vitro with hematic CSF 蛛网膜细胞与血性CSF共同培养后HLA-DR的表达变化
The alternate host of alfalfa rust-leafy spurge is a common weed in the alfalfa area ofnorth China. 苜蓿锈病的转主寄主——乳浆大戟,是我国北方苜蓿种植区的常见杂草之一。
The aluminum alloy Al8%Sn%Si%Pb08%Cu0%Cr is a new composite material for bush , but it's liquid needs to be stirred because of producing density segregation. Al8%Sn%Si%Pb0 8%Cu0 %Cr铝合金是具有优越性能的复合轴瓦材料,但容易产生比重偏析,需要进行搅拌。
The alveola arterial oxygen gradient[P(A a)DO, p(A a,DO)], oxygenation ratio(PaO/FiO,pa,O / FI0)and alveolar dead space fraction(Vd / Vt) were calculated . RFN组,p(A-a,DO)升高,Vd/Vt增大,pa,O/FI0降低,且呈持续状态,术后8h时和基础水平相比,差异仍具显著性。
The amendment of the civil retrial 针对再审程序的存废、存在的不合理之处及如何完善提出理论构想。
The amidate condition was that nonyl phenol polyethyleneoxide monoether:diethanolamine was .0:. ,reaction temperature was 0~0℃,reaction time was ~h. 酰胺化条件为:琥珀酸壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚单酯∶二乙醇胺(摩尔比)为∶. ,反应温度为0~0℃,反应时间为~h。
The amidate conditions were that citric acid polyethyleneoxide monoether:diethanolamine was .0∶.(mole ratio),reaction temperature was 0~0℃,reaction time was ~h. 酰胺化条件为柠檬酸壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚单酯∶二乙醇胺(摩尔比)为∶.,反应温度为 0~0℃,反应时间为 ~h。

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