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An indictable offense.

An index usually tracks a broad segment of a market and is measured against its base value while a stock average usually contains a smaller number of components and is recalculated daily to reflect price changes. 一个指数通常表现一个市场中的大部分股票并以基数价值来衡量,而股票平均指数通常包含较少的股票并且每日都重新计算来反映价格变化。
An indication of something important or calamitous about to occur; an omen. 预告,为…的征兆预示着重大事情或灾难性事情即将发生的预兆;预告
An indication of the severity of this shortage and of the resultant wide variety of substitutes is given by the fact that during 1775 in North Carolina alone as many as seventeen different forms of money were declared to be legal tender. 表明这种短缺的严重程度以及由此出现的各种各样代用货币的事实是,1775年间,仅北卡罗莱纳就有17种不同形式的“货币”被宣布为法定交换媒介。
An indication rod or viewing window is set Ascend and descend stemwith the valve to whow the open-close condition,Revolve stem with the valve Use a sealed gear-driving open-close indicating mechansim. 升降杆阀门设有指示杆或观察窗以表示阀门的启闭情况,旋转杆阀门采用封闭齿轮转动启闭指示机构。
An indicator or a sighting apparatus on a plane table, used in angular measurement. 旋标装置飞机控制板上的指示器或观测仪,用来测量角度
An indictable offense. 可能招致指控的过失
An indictment was handed up today against Democratic Congressman William Jefferson of Louisiana. 与基地组织有关的叛军发布一段录像,声称三名在上个月埋伏中失踪的美国士兵已经死亡。
An indifferent student, Mr Reagan had hoped only for a job selling sporting goods and summers lounging round as a local lifeguard. 学生时代,他成绩平平,仅有的愿望也就是在当地作一名救生员,顺便出售些体育用品,度过漫长的夏季。
An indifferent to the moon in the flowers were gradually rising, more moods. 一轮明月淡然的在花丛中冉冉升起,更显意境。
An indigestible meal. 难以消化的一顿饭
An indignant person, ready to fight for home or honour, holds his head upright, squares his shoulders, and clenches his fists. 当一个人义愤填膺,准备为家族或荣誉而战时,他会昂首张肩、紧握双拳。

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