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Temperature is one of the most important elements that affect the precision of ring laser gyro (RLG).

Temperature decreases with elevation through the troposphere at a rate, normally, of about 0.6℃ for 100 m. 在对流层,气温随高度减小,其递减率通常为每上升100米下降0.6℃左右。
Temperature display, time setting and blue light airflow control let the work efficient and precise. 配合数显温度,时间设定,蓝背光气流计,可准确及有效率对芯片进行返修。
Temperature display, time setting and blue light airflow control work efficiently and precisely. 配合数显温度,时间设定,蓝光气流计,可准确及有效率对芯片进行返修。
Temperature effect on a rectangular resonant cavity is studied, and temperature characters of bi-metals are discussed. 摘要本文讨论了温度对矩形波导谐振腔谐振频率的影响,以及热双金属材料的特性。
Temperature in each cold storage structure monitored by a measuring device(s) that is both correctly positioned and accurate. 通过适当并且准确的测量仪器监控各冷库的温度。
Temperature is one of the most important elements that affect the precision of ring laser gyro (RLG). 摘要针对激光陀螺的零偏受温度影响较大,为提高陀螺精度,研究了二频机抖激光陀螺抖动频率与温度之间的关系。
Temperature is typically gauged by hand, but this results in a great deal of inconsistency. 温度完全靠手来控制,这当然不会是完全一致的。
Temperature kits : contact must be properly fixed in the evaporator export pipelines, real-time communication evaporator components to temperature degrees, the material will be filled through interlinked capillary pressure due to the expansion of corrugat 感温包:是必须妥善接触固定在蒸发器的出口管道上,感知蒸发器实时回气温度的部件,它将充填物质的热胀冷缩压力通过相通的毛细管提供给膨胀波纹箱;膨胀波纹箱依据压力的变化推动推力杆结合过热度调整螺丝和弹簧的阻力来调整球型阀的开度,实现制冷量的精确调整。
Temperature probe warning threshold value(s) set successfully. (温度探测器警告阈值已成功设置。)
Temperature probe warning threshold(s) set successfully. (温度探测器警告阈值已成功设置。)
Temperature process lines with tidal cycles of multi engineering conditions of characteristic sections are obtained, the relationship between temperature distribution and velocity field is established, the inner mechanism change of temperature process lin 得到了特征断面多种工况随潮周期变化的温度过程线,建立了温度场与流速场的相关关系,研究了温度过程线的变化机理,分析了取排水口对温度场的相互影响关系,探讨了无量纲温升时长比与无量纲来取流量比的相关关系。

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