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Negotiations were conducted in a businesslike manner.

Negotiations have been continuing ever since. 谈判一直还在进行。
Negotiations have reached (a) stalemate. 谈判陷入了僵局.
Negotiations on Turkish membership are set to begin in October. 土耳其的入会问题定于10月份讨论。
Negotiations were at a crucial stage . 谈判正处于一个关键的阶段。
Negotiations were at a crucial stage. 谈判正处于一个关键的阶段。
Negotiations were conducted in a businesslike manner. 谈判按部就班地进行.
Negotiations with Russia fix the Central Asian frontier, and doom the Mongols. 与俄罗斯斡旋确立中亚边境以及剿灭蒙古人。
Negotiators are discussing a possible swap involving Taliban prisoners and the South Koreans. 双方在协商一个可能的方案,包括用塔利班的囚犯来交换这些韩国人。
Negotiators are looking for a peaceful settlement to the dispute. 谈判双方正寻求和平解决争端的办法.
Negotiators for the U.A.W. and General Motors agreed on the framework for a health care trust, G.M.’s key demand, people close to the negotiations said. 给U.A.W.和通用汽车的谈判者决定一个医疗信托、G.M.的主要需求的架构,对被说的谈判的人收盘。
Negotiators from the United States, China and North Korea have concluded two days of discussions in Beijing about restarting the six-party talks on Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program. 来自美国、中国和北韩的谈判代表结束了在北京为重新启动六方会谈进行的两天会谈。

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