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Abstract: Objective:To evaluate the value of antibiotic prophylaxis in cholecys tectomy.

Abstract: Objective:To find a better method and operative opportunity to treat traumatic optic nearopathy. 文摘:目的:探索治疗视神经外伤较好的手术方法和手术时机。
Abstract: Objectives: From the Oct. 1980 to the Oct. 1997,63 patients suffering from laryngeal carcinoma of various stages were surgically treated by different kinds of partial laryngetomy. 文摘:目的:总结1980年10月至1997年10月间63例不同部位的喉癌手术治疗经验。
Abstract: Objectives: To observe the  morphological change of the seminal duct in chronic prostatitis. 文摘:目的:了解慢性前列腺炎患者精道的形态学变化。
Abstract: Objectives:To observe the curative effect of parenteral nutrition support in treating leukemia by transplanting hemopoietic stem cells. 文摘:目的:观察造血干细胞移植中应用肠外营养支持以补充口服营养不足的疗效。
Abstract: Objectives:We used microsurgical inguinal varicocelectomy for the treatment of recurrent varicocele. 文摘:目的:采用显微外科手术治疗再发性精索静脉曲张症。
Abstract: Objective:To evaluate the value of antibiotic prophylaxis in cholecys tectomy. 文摘:目的:探讨胆囊切除术预防性应用抗生素的价值。
Abstract: Objective:To illustrate the value of digital subtractiondacryocystography in the diagnosis of lacrimal duct obstruction. 文摘:目的:评价数字减影泪道造影术在临床检查泪道阻塞中的应用价值。
Abstract: Objectiye: To explore the causes,locations and effective treatment of nosebleed. 文摘:目的:探讨鼻出血的原因、部位及有效治疗方法。
Abstract: Olympic green is so important in the Beijing 2008 Olympic that it will take more than half of the sports building construction. 摘要:奥林匹克公园荟萃了50%以上的奥运场馆,是北京市2008年奥运会的核心地区。
Abstract: On Problems in Animal Husbandry Industry of China, Contraries Problems, According to Theory of System Science and Ecology, Exploring Strategy of Intercede and Control. 文摘:论述了我国目前畜牧业产业化发展中存在的几个主要问题,针对问题,依据系统科学和生态学原理探讨了宏观调控方略。参4。
Abstract: On analysis of Alvar Alto′s ways of displaying nature theme,his creative approaches such as the integration with natural surroundings and the experession of localized and humanized ar chitecture are revealed,which may be used for reference when 文摘:通过对阿尔瓦·阿尔托表现自然主题的几种方法的分析,揭示其结合自然环境,表达建筑地方化与人情化的创作手法,寻求当前在全球化形势下对我国建筑地方化创作的借鉴意义.

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