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But it is good always to be eagerly sought in a commendable manner, and not only when I am present with you.

But it is fairer to think of him as just a moderately violent thug with a touch of megalomania, whose goons club rivals, who closes newspapers, harasses judges and bans public meetings. 公平来讲,它不过是一个有些狂妄自大的温和派激进分子,他的爪牙都是纠集在一起的,与传媒联系紧密、能够枉法裁判以及禁止公共集会的部纵。
But it is far from clear that the commission will win its Italian test case. 欧盟委员会是否会赢得这场意大利判例还远非清晰可见。
But it is found that lots of the youngsters at the situation of sub-health resulted from continuous pressure and long period of overload, plus neglect of exercise. 然而正是这个受人羡慕的群体由于工作压力、超时工作、缺乏运动等原因正处于“亚健康”状态。
But it is fun with a serious agenda. 但有趣的背后,有著深刻的含意。
But it is going to be a while. 毫无疑问他将改变球队。
But it is good always to be eagerly sought in a commendable manner, and not only when I am present with you. 加4:18在善事上、常用热心待人、原是好的、却不单我与你们同在的时候才这样。
But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works. 诗73:28但我亲近神是与我有益.我以主耶和华为我的避难所、好叫我述说你一切的作为。
But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you. 18在善事上,常用热心待人,原是好的,却不单我与你们同在的时候才这样。
But it is hard to see how their interests will be effectively represented by Mr Chávez, an elected autocrat with a habit of trying to wreck any grouping he is unable to control. 但难以接受的是,他们的利益竟然由查韦斯来维护,那可是一个独裁者,一直试图摧毁一切自己无法控制的党派。
But it is hardly conceivable that this Court would hold constitutional a statute which punished as a felony the mere voluntary assembly with a society formed to teach that pedestrians had the moral right to cross unenclosed, unposted, wastelands and to ad 但这一点是无法想象的,即本法院会认定这样一项法律的合宪性,该法律像对待重罪那样惩罚完全自愿性的集会,即便存在鼓吹会导致冒犯的迫在眉睫的危险,集会还以群社的方式,向在道义上有权穿越没有围墙的、没有悬挂“不得侵入”告示的地方、废墟上的人讲授并号召人们这样做。
But it is heavy that it can't be afforded the expensive higher education expenses, surmounting the ability to lower income families as a result of faultiness of universities charge policy. 如何协调二者的关系,建立一个公平与效率兼顾的高校收费体系是一个值得深入研究的问题。

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