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The paper focuses on ideas on comprehensively advancing Chinese women's community work in the transition period as follows: The work style of women's federations should change along modem lines; institutions of higher learning should increase their inputs

The paper first presents a systematic view of the complex enterprise of E-commerce within a hierarchical framework, extending from the networking infrastructure to global marketplaces. 论文首先对处于电子商务中的复杂的企业在阶层框架下给出了一个系统的视角,然后把它从网络基础设施延伸到全球市场中。
The paper firstly establishes a basic model for moral hazards in water quality and water resources management of East Route Project of South to North Water Transfer, and gets solutions of the water quality inspection level of water-supply companies, water 建立南水北调东线工程水资源水质管理道德风险基本模型,得出了在信息完全的情况下供水公司的水质检测水平、水价和水用户的污水治理水平解。
The paper firstly introduces three different approaches for the kinetic modeling of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) (empirical models, models based on the heat transfer analogy, and models based on differential mass balance), and then models kinetic 摘要首先介绍了三种动力学模拟超临界流体萃取的模型(经验模型、基于热传递类推的模型以及基于微分质量平衡的模型),然后模拟了在超声存在的条件下超临界流体从香椿叶中萃取黄酮类化合物的动力学过程,最后通过该例子展示了现有大多数动力学模型的缺点。
The paper focus on that the manufacture of shaped fiber. The properties of polymer-based composites reinforced with shaped glass fiber and the application of high-performance copper clad laminates are reviewed. 摘要在20篇文献的基础上,综述了异形纤维的制造、异形玻璃纤维增强聚合物基复合材料的性能以及在高性能覆铜板中的应用现状。
The paper focuses on analyzing static game between developers with incomplete information, and simplifies the relation into non-zero-sum-game between two developers. 本文侧重分析了在不完全信息条件下开发商之间的静态博弈关系,并将上述关系简化为两个开发商之间的非零和博弈关系。
The paper focuses on ideas on comprehensively advancing Chinese women's community work in the transition period as follows: The work style of women's federations should change along modem lines; institutions of higher learning should increase their inputs 文章重点论述了转型期我国妇女社会工作整体推进的思路,即妇联组织的工作模式需进行现代转型,高等院校需强化对妇女社会工作的教研投入,社会力量特别是民间妇女组织需深度介入妇女社会工作,妇女社会工作的社会政策法规运行环境需进一步优化等,应努力构建“专业化、职业化、社会化”的三位一体模式,并朝著本土化的方向不断发展。
The paper focuses on studying the image preprocessing algorithm of visual docking guidance system. 摘要重点研究了基于视觉检测方式的机场泊位自动引导系统的图像预处理算法。
The paper focuses on the definition of horizontal sum of effect algebras, on the basis of which, it was enumerated and discussed that an effect algebra has many sequential products. 摘要给出了效应代数水平和的定义,借助于水平和,列举并讨论了一个效应代数可以具有许多个序列积。
The paper focuses on the development patterns of self-guided courses in online environment, providing some basic exploration into the development of adult education courses. 本文描述了网络环境下的自我导向学习课程开发模式,为成人教育课程的开发作一些初步的探索。
The paper focuses on the mobility analyses of the recognized difficult modern parallel manipulators and classical paradoxical mechanisms. 本文集中分析了一些公认的比较难的现代并联机构和古典“反常”机构。
The paper focuses on the status quo of interlocal tax competition and its consequences in Switzerland and points out its enlightening significance to our country in enlarging fiscal decentralization and constructing a new mode of interlocal tax competitio 本文对瑞士的地方政府间税收竞争现状及其产生的后果进行了分析,并指出了其对我国当前进一步的财政分权以及我国地方政府间税收竞争模式构建的启示性意义。

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